Seminar series
Mon, 30 Jan 2023
Martin Bridson
University of Oxford

I shall begin with a brief history of the problem of trying to understand infinite groups knowing only their finite quotients. I'll then focus on 3-manifold groups, describing the prominent role that they have played in advancing our understanding of this problem in recent years. The story for 3-manifold groups involves a rich interplay of algebra, geometry, and arithmetic. I shall describe arithmetic Kleinian groups that are profinitely rigid in the absolute sense -- ie they can be distinguished from all other finitely generated, residually finite groups by their set of finite quotients. I shall then explain more recent work involving products of Seifert fibered manifolds -- here we find groups that are profinitely rigid in the class of finitely presented groups but not in the class of finitely generated groups. This is joint work with McReynolds, Reid, and Spitler.

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