Seminar series
Tue, 25 Apr 2023
14:00 - 15:00
Misha Feigin
University of Glasgow

Rational Cherednik algebra is a flat deformation of a skew product of the Weyl algebra and a Coxeter group W. I am going to discuss two interesting subalgebras of Cherednik algebras going back to the work of Hakobyan and the speaker from 2015. They are flat deformations of skew products of quotients of the universal enveloping algebras of gl_n and so_n, respectively, with W. They also have to do with particular nilpotent orbits and generalised Howe duality.  Their central quotients can be given as the algebra of global sections of sheaves of Cherednik algebras. The talk is partly based on a joint work with D. Thompson.

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