Seminar series
Tue, 23 May 2023
14:00 - 15:00
Lucas Mason-Brown

Let G and H be real reductive groups. To any L-homomorphism e: H^L \to G^L one can associate a map e_* from virtual representations of H to virtual representations of G. This map was predicted by Langlands and defined (in the real case) by Adams, Barbasch, and Vogan. Without further restrictions on e, this map can be very poorly behaved. A special case in which e_* exhibits especially nice behavior is the case when H is an endoscopic group. In this talk, I will introduce a more general class of L-homomorphisms that exhibit similar behavior to the endoscopic case. I will explain how this more general notion of endoscopic lifting relates to the theory of cohomological induction. I will also explain how this generalized notion of endoscopic lifting can be used to prove the unitarity of many Arthur packets. This is based on joint work with Jeffrey Adams and David Vogan.

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