Tue, 25 Apr 2023
16:00 - 17:00
Sergio Giron Pacheco
University of Oxford

An anomalous symmetry of an operator algebra A is a mapping from a group G into the automorphism group of A which is multiplicative up to inner automorphisms. To any anomalous symmetry, there is an associated cohomology invariant in H^3(G,T). In the case that A is the Hyperfinite II_1 factor R and G is amenable, the associated cohomology invariant is shown to be a complete invariant for anomalous actions on R by the work of Connes, Jones, and Ocneanu.

In this talk, I will introduce anomalous actions from the basics discussing examples and the history of their study in the literature. I will then discuss two obstructions to possible cohomology invariants of anomalous actions on simple C*-algebras which arise from considering K-theoretic invariants of the algebras. One of the obstructions will be of algebraic flavour and the other will be of topological flavour. Finally, I will discuss the classification question for certain classes of anomalous actions.

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