Seminar series
Fri, 10 Nov 2023
Dr Lasse Grimmelt (North Wing) and Dr Yang Liu (South Wing)

Speaker: Lasse Grimmelt (North Wing)
Title: Modular forms and the twin prime conjecture

Abstract: Modular forms are one of the most fruitful areas in modern number theory. They play a central part in Wiles proof of Fermat's last theorem and in Langland's far reaching vision. Curiously, some of our best approximations to the twin-prime conjecture are also powered by them. In the existing literature this connection is highly technical and difficult to approach. In work in progress on this types of questions, my coauthor and I found a different perspective based on a quite simple idea. In this way we get an easy explanation and good intuition why such a connection should exists. I will explain this in this talk.

Speaker: Yang Liu (South Wing)
Title: Obtaining Pseudo-inverse Solutions With MINRES

Abstract: The celebrated minimum residual method (MINRES) has seen great success and wide-spread use in solving linear least-squared problems involving Hermitian matrices, with further extensions to complex symmetric settings. Unless the system is consistent whereby the right-hand side vector lies in the range of the matrix, MINRES is not guaranteed to obtain the pseudo-inverse solution. We propose a novel and remarkably simple lifting strategy that seamlessly integrates with the final MINRES iteration, enabling us to obtain the minimum norm solution with negligible additional computational costs. We also study our lifting strategy in a diverse range of settings encompassing Hermitian and complex symmetric systems as well as those with semi-definite preconditioners.




Last updated on 8 Nov 2023, 9:39am. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.