The seminar concerns the study of evolution equations on graphs, motivated by applications in data science and opinion dynamics. We will discuss graph analogues of the continuum nonlocal-interaction equation and interpret them as gradient flows with respect to a graph Wasserstein distance, using Benamou--Brenier formulation. The underlying geometry of the problem leads to a Finslerian gradient flow structure, rather than Riemannian, since the resulting distance on graphs is actually a quasi-metric. We will address the existence of suitably defined solutions, as well as their asymptotic behaviour when the number of vertices converges to infinity and the graph structure localises. The two limits lead to different dynamics. From a slightly different perspective, by means of a classical fixed-point argument, we can show the existence and uniqueness of solutions to a larger class of nonlocal continuity equations on graphs. In this context, we consider general interpolation functions of the mass on the edges, which give rise to a variety of different dynamics. Our analysis reveals structural differences with the more standard Euclidean space, as some analogous properties rely on the interpolation chosen. The latter study can be extended to equations on co-evolving graphs. The talk is based on works in collaboration with G. Heinze (Augsburg), L. Mikolas (Oxford), F. S. Patacchini (IFP Energies Nouvelles), A. Schlichting (University of Münster), and D. Slepcev (Carnegie Mellon University).