Speaker: Ximena Laura Fernandez
Title: Let it Be(tti): Topological Fingerprints for Audio Identification
Abstract: Ever wondered how music recognition apps like Shazam work or why they sometimes fail? Can Algebraic Topology improve current audio identification algorithms? In this talk, I will discuss recent collaborative work with Spotify, where we extract low-dimensional homological features from audio signals for efficient song identification despite continuous obfuscations. Our approach significantly improves accuracy and reliability in matching audio content under topological distortions, including pitch and tempo shifts, compared to Shazam.
Talk based on the work: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2309.03516.pdf
Speaker: Brett Kolesnik
Title: Coxeter Tournaments
Abstract: We will present ongoing joint work with three Oxford PhD students: Matthew Buckland (Stats), Rivka Mitchell (Math/Stats) and Tomasz Przybyłowski (Math). We met last year as part of the course SC9 Probability on Graphs and Lattices. Connections with geometry (the permutahedron and generalizations), combinatorics (tournaments and signed graphs), statistics (paired comparisons and sampling) and probability (coupling and rapid mixing) will be discussed.