Seminar series
Thu, 07 Mar 2024
Yurij Salmaniw
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford

Aggregation-diffusion equations and systems have garnered much attention in the last few decades. More recently, models featuring nonlocal interactions through spatial convolution have been applied to several areas, including the physical, chemical, and biological sciences. Typically, one can establish the well-posedness of such models via regularity assumptions on the kernels themselves; however, more effort is required for many scenarios of interest as the nonlocal kernel is often discontinuous.


In this talk, I will present recent progress in establishing a robust well-posedness theory for a class of nonlocal aggregation-diffusion models with minimal regularity requirements on the interaction kernel in any spatial dimension on either the whole space or the torus. Starting with the scalar equation, we first establish the existence of a global weak solution in a small mass regime for merely bounded kernels. Under some additional hypotheses, we show the existence of a global weak solution for any initial mass. In typical cases of interest, these solutions are unique and classical. I will then discuss the generalisation to the $n$-species system for the regimes of small mass and arbitrary mass. We will conclude with some consequences of these theorems for several models typically found in ecological applications.


This is joint work with Dr. Jakub Skrzeczkowski and Prof. Jose Carrillo.

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