Mon, 09 Nov 2009
17:00 - 18:00
Gibson 1st Floor SR
Reza Pakzad
University of Pittsburgh

Certain elastic structures and growing tissues (leaves, flowers or marine invertebrates) exhibit residual strain at free equilibria. We intend to study this phenomena through an elastic growth variational model. We will first discuss this model from a differential geometric point of view: the growth seems to change the intrinsic metric of the tissue to a new target non-flat metric. The non-vanishing curvature is the cause of the non-zero stress at equilibria.

We further discuss the scaling laws and $\Gamma$-limits of the introduced 3d functional on thin plates in the limit of vanishing thickness. Among others, given special forms of growth tensors, we rigorously derive the non-Euclidean versions of Kirchhoff and von Karman models for elastic non-Euclidean plates. Sobolev spaces of isometries and infinitesimal isometries of 2d Riemannian manifolds appear as the natural space of admissible mappings in this context. In particular, as a side result, we obtain an equivalent condition for existence of a $W^{2,2}$ isometric immersion of a given $2$d metric on a bounded domain into $\mathbb R3$.

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