Thu, 13 Oct 2011
DH 1st floor SR

1pm Kawei Wang

\newline Title: A Model of Behavioral Consumption in Contnuous Time

\newline Abstract: Inspired by Jin and Zhou (2008), we try to construct a model

of consumption within the framework of Prospect Theory and Cumulative

Prospect Theory in continuous time.



1.20 Rasmus Wissmann

\newline Title: A Principal Component Analysis-based Approach for High-Dimensional PDEs in Derivative Pricing

\newline Abstract: Complex derivatives, such as multi asset and path dependent options,

often lead to high-dimensional problems. These are generally hard to

tackle with numerical PDE methods, because the computational effort

necessary increases exponentially with the number of dimensions. We

investigate a Principal Component Analysis-based approach that aims to

make the high-dimensional problem tractable by splitting it into a

number of low-dimensional ones. This is done via a diagonalization of

the PDE according to the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix and a

subsequent Taylor-like approximation. This idea was first introduced by

Reisinger and Wittum for the basic case of a vanilla option on a basket

of stocks [1]. We aim to extend the approach to more complex derivatives

and markets as well as to develop higher order versions. In this talk we

will present the basic ideas, initial results for the example of a

ratchet cap under the LIBOR Market Model and the current plans for

further research.

[1] C. Reisinger and G. Wittum, Efficient Hierarchical Approximation of

High-Dimensional Option Pricing Problems, SIAM Journal of Scientific

Computing, 2007:29



1.40 Pedro Vitoria

\newline Title: Infinitesimal Mean-Variance and Forward Utility

\newline Abstract: Mean-Variance, introduced by Markowitz in his seminal paper of 1952, is

a classic criterion in Portfolio Theory that is still predominantly used

today in real investment practice. In the academic literature, a number of

interesting results have been produced in continuous-time version of this


In my talk, I will establish a link between the multi-period

Mean-Variance model and its continuous-time limit. A key feature of the

results is that, under suitable but mild technical conditions, it

captures the results of Forward Utility, thus establishing an important

link between Mean-Variance and forward utility maximisation.

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