Seminar series
Mon, 30 Jan 2012
12:00 - 13:00
Jihye Seo
McGill University

We study pure Seiberg-Witten theories with $SU(r+1)$ and $Sp(2r)$ gauge groups with no flavors. We study singularity loci of moduli space of the Seiberg-Witten curve. Using exterior derivative and discriminant operators, we can find Argyres-Douglas loci of the SW theory. We also compute BPS charges of the massless dyons of $SU$ and $Sp$ SW theory. In a detailed example of $C_2=Sp(4)$, we find 6 points in the moduli space where we have 2 massless BPS dyons, and 3 of them give Argyres-Douglas loci. We show that BPS charges of the massless dyons jump as we go across Argyres-Douglas loci, giving an explicit example of Argyres-Douglas loci living inside the wall of marginal stability. (Based on work in progress with Keshav Dasgupta)

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