Seminar series
Mon, 13 Feb 2012
12:00 - 13:00
Sanjaye Ramgoolam
Queen Mary University of London

The moduli space of supersymmetric (eighth-BPS) giant gravitons in $AdS_5 \times S^5$ is a limit of projective spaces. Quantizing this moduli space produces a Fock space of oscillator states, with a cutoff $N$ related to the rank of the dual $U(N)$ gauge group. Fuzzy geometry provides the ideal set of techniques for associating points or regions of moduli space to specific oscillator states. It leads to predictions for the spectrum of BPS excitations of specific worldvolume geometries. It also leads to a group theoretic basis for these states, containing Young diagram labels for $U(N)$ as well as the global $U(3)$ symmetry group. The problem of constructing gauge theory operators corresponding to the oscillator states and  some recent progress in this direction are explained.

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