Mon, 27 Feb 2012
17:00 - 18:00
Gibson 1st Floor SR
Peter M. Topping
University of Warwick

This talk will consist of a pure PDE part, and an applied part. The unifying topic is mean curvature flow (MCF), and particularly mean curvature flow starting at cones. This latter subject originates from the abstract consideration of uniqueness questions for flows in the presence of singularities. Recently, this theory has found applications in several quite different areas, and I will explain the connections with Harnack estimates (which I will explain from scratch) and also with the study of the dynamics of charged fluid droplets.

There are essentially no prerequisites. It would help to be familiar with basic submanifold geometry (e.g. second fundamental form) and intuition concerning the heat equation, but I will try to explain everything and give the talk at colloquium level.

Joint work with Sebastian Helmensdorfer.

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