Thu, 25 Oct 2012
16:00 - 17:00
DH 1st floor SR
John Hinch
Cambridge DAMTP

We study a thin liquid film on a vertical fibre. Without gravity, there

is a Rayleigh-Plateau instability in which surface tension reduces the

surface area of the initially cylindrical film. Spherical drops cannot

form because of the fibre, and instead, the film forms bulges of

roughly twice the initial thickness. Large bulges then grow very slowly

through a ripening mechanism. A small non-dimensional gravity moves the

bulges. They leave behind a thinner film than that in front of them, and

so grow. As they grow into large drops, they move faster and grow

faster. When gravity is stronger, the bulges grow only to finite

amplitude solitary waves, with equal film thickness behind and in front.

We study these solitary waves, and the effect of shear-thinning and

shear-thickening of the fluid. In particular, we will be interested in

solitary waves of large amplitudes, which occur near the boundary

between large and small gravity. Frustratingly, the speed is only

determined at the third term in an asymptotic expansion. The case of

Newtonian fluids requires four terms.

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