Tue, 01 May 2012
DH 1st floor SR
Lucas Jeub

With the advent of powerful computers and the internet, our ability to collect and store large amounts of data has improved tremendously over the past decades. As a result, methods for extracting useful information from these large datasets have gained in importance. In many cases the data can be conveniently represented as a network, where the nodes are entities of interest and the edges encode the relationships between them. Community detection aims to identify sets of nodes that are more densely connected internally than to the rest of the network. Many popular methods for partitioning a network into communities rely on heuristically optimising a quality function. This approach can run into problems for large networks, as the quality function often becomes near degenerate with many near optimal partitions that can potentially be quite different from each other. In this talk I will show that this near degeneracy, rather than being a severe problem, can potentially allow us to extract additional information

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