The IF Oxford festival explores science and ideas through an exciting mix of presentations and interactive activities. Thousands of visitors come to dozens of venues across the city, and connect online.

The Ratios Conjecture and upper bounds for negative moments of L-functions over function fields
Bui, H Florea, A Keating, J Transactions of the American Mathematical Society volume 376 issue 6 4453-4510 (21 Mar 2023)
Decomposing random permutations into order-isomorphic subpermutations
Groenland, C Johnston, T Korandi, D Roberts, A Scott, A Tan, J SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
Mon, 06 Feb 2023

Singularities along the Lagrangian mean curvature flow of surfaces

Felix Schulze
It is an open question to determine which Hamiltonian isotopy classes of Lagrangians in a Calabi-Yau manifold have a special Lagrangian representative. One approach is to follow the steepest descent of area, i.e. the mean curvature flow, which preserves the Lagrangian condition. But in general such a flow will develop singularities in finite time, and it has been open how to continue the flow past singularities. We will give an introduction to the problem and explain recent advances where we show that in the simplest possible situation, i.e. the Lagrangian mean curvature flow of surfaces, when the singularity is the special Lagrangian union of two transverse planes, then the flow forms a “neck pinch”, and can be continued past the singularity. This is joint work with Jason Lotay and Gábor Székelyhidi.
Moments of moments of the characteristic polynomials of random orthogonal and symplectic matrices
Claeys, T Forkel, J Keating, J Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Geometric analysis enables biological insight from complex non-identifiable models using simple surrogates
Browning, A Simpson, M PLoS Computational Biology volume 19 issue 1 (20 Jan 2023)
Image of beetle

Inspired by jumping insects, Oxford Mathematicians have helped develop a miniature robot capable of leaping more than 40 times its body length - equivalent to a human jumping up to the 20th floor of a building. The innovation could be a major step forward in developing miniature robots for a wide range of applications.


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