Prof. Christopher Beem
Professor of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Mathematical Institute
Fellow for Research and Tutorial Fellow in Mathematics, St. John's College
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Quantum field theory, conformal field theory, supersymmetry, and string theory. Algebraic structures occurring in each of the above.
In the 2022-2023 academic year I am lecturing B7.3 Further Quantum Theory. In the past I have also lectured String Theory I for the Master's programme in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, the Part A Special Relativity short option, and a graduate course on vertex operator algebras.
At St. John's I tutor physical applied courses, including Geometry, Dynamics, Constructive Mathematics (Algorithms), Differential Equations I & II, Integral Transforms, Part A Quantum Theory, Fluid Dynamics, Special Relativity, Introduction to Manifolds, and Projective Geometry.
theories in three dimensions
Principle Investigator in the Simons Collaboration for the Nonperturbative Bootstrap 2016-2023
ERC Consolidator Grant "Algebraic Foundations of Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theory" 2020-2025