Prof. Frances Kirwan FRS
BA(Cantab), DPhil(Oxon)
Academic Faculty
Research groups
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Highlighted books
Recent publications
Implosion, contraction and Moore-Tachikawa
Dancer, A Kirwan, F Martens, J International Journal of Mathematics volume 35 issue 9 (20 Mar 2024) Symplectic duality and implosions
Dancer, A Hanany, A Kirwan, F Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics volume 25 issue 7 1367-1387 (24 Jun 2022) From Michael Atiyah to the 21st century
Kirwan, F Oxford's Savilian Professors of Geometry 183-205 (26 Jan 2022) Orthosymplectic implosions
Bourget, A Dancer, A Grimminger, J Hanany, A Kirwan, F Zhong, Z Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2021 issue 8 (03 Aug 2021) Prizes, awards, and scholarships
- London Mathematical Society Whitehead Prize, 1989
- Fellow of the Royal Society, 2001
- President, London Mathematical Society, 2003-2005
- EPSRC Senior Research Fellowship, 2005-2010
- London Mathematical Society Senior Whitehead Prize, 2013
- DBE, 2014
- Royal Society Sylvester Prize, 2021
- L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards Laureate for Europe, 2023
- London Mathematical Society Polya Prize, 2023
Highlighted publications
Moment maps and cohomology of non-reductive quotients
Bérczi, G Kirwan, F Inventiones Mathematicae volume 235 issue 1 1-79 (26 Sep 2023) Non-reductive geometric invariant theory and hyperbolicity
Berczi, G Kirwan, F INVENTIONES MATHEMATICAE (01 Jan 2023) Stratifying quotient stacks and moduli stacks
Berczi, G Hoskins, V Kirwan, F Abelsymposium 2017: Geometry of Moduli volume 14 1-33 (24 Nov 2018) Yang-Mills theory and Tamagawa numbers: the fascination of unexpected links in mathematics.
Kirwan, F Asok, A Doran, B Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. volume 40 (2008) 533-567 (Aug 2008) Towards non-reductive geometric invariant theory
Kirwan, F B Doran Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly volume 3 issue 1 61-105 (2007) Intersection theory on moduli spaces of holomorphic bundles of arbitrary rank on a Riemann surface
Jeffrey, L Kirwan, F Ann. of Math. (2) volume 148 issue 1 109-196 (1998) Localization and the quantization conjecture
Jeffrey, L Kirwan, F Topology volume 36 issue 3 647-693 (1997) The cohomology rings of moduli spaces of bundles over Riemann surfaces
Kirwan, F J. Amer. Math. Soc. volume 5 issue 4 853-906 (1992) Rational intersection cohomology of quotient varieties
Kirwan, F Invent. Math. volume 86 issue 3 471-505 (1986) Partial desingularisations of quotients of nonsingular varieties and their Betti numbers
Kirwan, F Ann. of Math. (2) volume 122 issue 1 45-85 (1985) Research interests
Algebraic and symplectic geometry