Jacob Mercer
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Critical Drift for Brownian Bees and a Reflected Brownian Motion Invariance Principle (preprint) https://arxiv.org/abs/2412.04527
I am generally interested in branching/coalescence processes, random combinatorial structures, statistical physics models and free boundary problems. Specifically I am studying the limiting behaviour and critical values of certain branching Brownian motion particle systems. My research is largely on the theory and not applications of branching particle systems, but I am always open to hearing about potential applications and systems which may be well modelled by branching processes.
I am a part of the CDT for the Mathematics of Random Systems: Analysis, Modelling and Algorithms, as well as the Probability Group. I am supervised by Professor Julien Berestycki.
SB3.1 Applied Probability - Tutor, Hilary term 2025
B8.5 Graph Theory - Tutor, Michaelmas term 2024
SC2 Probability and Statistics for Network Analysis - Tutor, Michaelmas term 2024
'Stanford in Oxford' Tutor, Trinity term 2024
SB3.1 Applied Probability - Tutor, Hilary term 2024
B8.5 Graph Theory - Teaching Assistant, Michaelmas term 2023
ASO Graph Theory - Tutor, Trinity term 2023 (for Jesus College)
SB3.1 Applied Probability - Collections Tutor, Trinity term 2023 (for Lincoln College)
'Monday Maths' Outreach Lecturer to Y12 School Students, Hilary term 2023
B8.2 Continuous Martingales and Stochastic Calculus - Teaching Assisstant, Hilary term 2023
B8.1 Probability, Measure, and Martingales - Teaching Assistant, Michaelmas term 2022