Dr Jingxiang Wu
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
My publications may be found on: iNSPIRE, Google Scholar
MTC$[M_3, G]$: 3d Topological Order Labeled by Seifert Manifolds
Federico Bonetti, Sakura Schafer-Nameki, Jingxiang Wu, e-Print: 2403.03973
Unraveling the Holomorphic Twist: Central Charges
Pieter Bomans, Jingxiang Wu, e-Print: 2311.04304
On 1/8-BPS black holes and the chiral algebra of N=4 SYM
Chi-Ming Chang, Ying-Hsuan Lin, Jingxiang Wu e-Print: 2310.20086
Semi-Chiral Operators in 4d ${\mathcal N}=1$ Gauge Theories
Kasia Budzik, Davide Gaiotto, Justin Kulp, Brian R. Williams, Jingxiang Wu e-Print: 2306.01039
Universal Non-Invertible Symmetries
Lakshya Bhardwaj, Sakura Schafer-Nameki, Jingxiang Wu e-Print: 2208.05973
Feynman Diagrams in Four-Dimensional Holomorphic Theories and the Operatope
Kasia Budzik, Davide Gaiotto, Justin Kulp, Jingxiang Wu, Matthew Yu e-Print: 2207.14321
Notes on resonances and unitarity from celestial amplitudes
Diego García-Sepúlveda, Alfredo Guevara, Justin Kulp, Jingxiang Wu e-Print: 2205.14633
Anisotropic Kondo line defect and ODE/IM correspondence
Jingxiang Wu e-Print: 2106.07792
Kondo line defects and affine Gaudin models
Davide Gaiotto, Ji Hoon Lee, Benoît Vicedo, Jingxiang Wu e-Print: 2010.07325
Integrable Kondo problems
Davide Gaiotto, Ji Hoon Lee, Jingxiang Wu e-Print: 2003.06694
3d Abelian Gauge Theories at the Boundary
Lorenzo Di Pietro, Davide Gaiotto, Edoardo Lauria, Jingxiang Wu e-Print: 1902.09567
Curious Aspects of Three-Dimensional $\mathcal{N}=1$ SCFTs
Davide Gaiotto, Zohar Komargodski, Jingxiang Wu e-Print: 1804.02018