Prof. Jonathan Patrick Whiteley
Affiliate Faculty
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Recent publications
Model reduction for initial value ODEs
Ambuehl, A Whiteley, J Mathematical Biosciences volume 337 (18 April 2021) Modelling the inclusion of swelling pressure in a tissue level poroviscoelastic model of cartilage deformation
Whiteley, J Gaffney, E Mathematical Medicine and Biology volume 37 issue 3 389-428 (18 Feb 2020) An evaluation of some assumptions underpinning the bidomain equations of electrophysiology
Whiteley, J Mathematical Medicine and Biology volume 37 issue 2 262-302 (1 November 2019) Identifying chondrogenesis strategies for tissue engineering of articular cartilage
Chen, M Whiteley, J Please, C Ehlicke, F Waters, S Byrne, H Journal of Tissue Engineering volume 10 1-14 (22 Apr 2019) The combined impact of tissue heterogeneity and fixed charge for models of cartilage: the one-dimensional biphasic swelling model revisited
Klika, V Whiteley, J Brown, C Gaffney, E Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology volume 18 issue 4 953-968 (06 Feb 2019)