Dr Nick Jones
Affiliate Researcher
Research groups
Research subgroups
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Recent publications
Classical origins of Landau-incompatible transitions
PRAKASH, A Jones, N Physical Review Letters (2025) https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.19009 Pivoting through the chiral-clock family
Jones, N PRAKASH, A FENDLEY, P (05 Jun 2024) https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.01680 Exact correlations in topological quantum chains
Jones, N Verresen, R Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (15 Dec 2023) Bulk-boundary correspondence and singularity-filling in long-range free-fermion chains
Jones, N Thorngren, R Verresen, R Physical Review Letters (16 Jun 2023) Integrable spin chains and the Clifford group
Jones, N Linden, N Journal of Mathematical Physics (31 Oct 2022) Symmetry-resolved entanglement entropy in critical free-fermion chains
Jones, N Journal of Statistical Physics (08 Jul 2022) Gapless topological phases and symmetry-enriched quantum criticality
Verresen, R Thorngren, R Jones, N Pollmann, F Physical Review X volume 11 issue 4 (23 Dec 2021) Skeleton of Matrix-Product-State-Solvable Models Connecting Topological
Phases of Matter
Jones, N Bibo, J Jobst, B Pollmann, F Smith, A Verresen, R Physical Review Research (20 Sep 2021) Phases of Matter
Further details
A research case study is available here about some of my recent work.
All of my papers and preprints may be found on my arxiv page.
I am an STF at St John's College and teach tutorials in a range of undergraduate subjects.