Prof. Patrick Farrell
PhD, BSc (Hons)
Academic Faculty
Tutorial Fellow, Oriel College
Research groups
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Major / recent publications
Prelims Computational Mathematics (MT, HT, TT)
Prizes, awards, and scholarships
- LMS Whitehead Prize, 2021
- Broyden Prize in Optimization, 2021
- Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software, 2015
- IMA Leslie Fox Prize in Numerical Analysis, second place, 2015
- EPSRC Early Career Research Fellowship, 2013
Recent publications
A full approximation scheme multilevel method for nonlinear variational inequalities
Bueler, E Farrell, P SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing volume 46 issue 4 A2421-A2444 (23 Jul 2024) Multigrid solvers for the de Rham complex with optimal complexity in polynomial degree
Brubeck Martinez, P Farrell, P SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing volume 46 issue 3 A1549-A1573 (07 May 2024) Finite element methods for multicomponent convection-diffusion
Aznaran, F Farrell, P Monroe, C Van-Brunt, A IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis (27 Apr 2024) Two conjectures on the Stokes complex in three dimensions on Freudenthal meshes
Farrell, P Mitchell, L Scott, R SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing volume 46 issue 2 A629-A644 (05 Mar 2024) On multiple solutions of the Grad–Shafranov equation
Ham, C Farrell, P Nuclear Fusion volume 64 issue 3 (02 Feb 2024) Research interests
- The numerical solution of differential equations.
- Adaptive discretisations of PDEs.
- Adjoints and PDE-constrained optimisation problems.
- Bifurcation analysis of nonlinear PDEs.