Prof. Paul Tod
MA, MSc, DPhil
University Lecturer,
Professor of Mathematical Physics
Research groups
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Highlighted publications
Cosmological Einstein-Maxwell instantons and Euclidean supersymmetry: anti-self-dual solutions
Dunajski, M Gutowski, J Sabra, W Tod, P Classical and Quantum Gravity volume 28 025007-16 (2011) Four-dimensional metrics conformal to Kähler
Dunajski, M Tod, P Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society volume 148 485-503 (2010) On asymptotically flat solutions of Einstein’s equations periodic in time. I. Vacuum and electrovacuum solutions
Bičák, J Scholtz, M Tod, P Classical and Quantum Gravity volume 27 055007-23 (2010) An extension theorem for conformal gauge singularities
Lübbe, C Tod, P Journal of Mathematical Physics volume 50 112501-28 (2009) On Mason's rigidity theorem
Chruściel, P Tod, P Commun.Math.Phys. volume 285 1-29 (22 Dec 2007) http://arxiv.org/abs/0712.3846v2 Research interests
General Relativity,
Twistor Theory,
Differential Geometry
Recent publications
Non-diagonal four-dimensional cohomogeneity-one Einstein metrics in various signatures
Dunajski, M Tod, P Differential Geometry and its Applications volume 54 11-30 (Oct 2017) The problem of characterising stationary data for the vacuum Einstein equations
Tod, P Classical and Quantum Gravity volume 34 issue 4 (23 Feb 2017) A positive Bondi-type mass in asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes
Szabados, L Tod, P Classical and Quantum Gravity volume 32 issue 20 ARTN 205011 (01 Oct 2015) Valiente Kroon’s obstructions to smoothness at infinity
Grant, J Tod, P General Relativity and Gravitation volume 47 issue 3 18 (10 Mar 2015) The equations of Conformal Cyclic Cosmology
Tod, P General Relativity and Gravitation volume 47 issue 3 17 (07 Mar 2015)