Prof. Richard G Haydon
Professor of Mathematics, Tutor in Mathematics at Brasenose College
Research groups
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Recent books
Recent publications
Locally uniformly convex norms in Banach spaces and their duals
Haydon, R J. Funct. Anal. volume 254 issue 8 2023-2039 (2008) Smooth norms and approximation in Banach spaces of the type C(K)
Haydon, R Petr Hajek The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics volume 58 221-228 (Jun 2007) Spaces of functions with countably many discontinuities.
Haydon, R A Molto J Orihuela Israel Journal of Mathematics volume 158 issue 1 19-39 (Mar 2007) Spaces of functions with countably many discontinuities
Haydon, R Molto, A Orihuela, J Israel J. Math. volume 158 19-39 (2007) Smooth norms and approximation in Banach spaces of the type $\scr C(K)$.
Hajek, P Haydon, R Q. J. Math volume 58 issue 2 221-228 (2007) Prizes, awards, and scholarships
LMS Junior Berwick Prize (1975)
Highlighted publications
Embedding uniformly convex spaces into spaces with very few operators
Argyros, S Freeman, D Haydon, R Odell, E Raikoftsalis, T Schlumprecht, T Zisimopoulou, D Journal of Functional Analysis (2012) Shift invariant preduals of l_1(Z)
Daws, M Haydon, R Schlumprecht, T White, S Israel Journal of Mathematics volume 192 issue 2 541-585 (2012) A hereditarily indecomposable L<sub>∞</sub>-space that solves the scalar-plus-compact problem
Argyros, S Haydon, R ACTA MATHEMATICA volume 206 issue 1 1-54 (2011) Small subspaces of L_p
Haydon, R Odell, E Schlumprecht, T Annals of Mathematics volume 173 169-209 (2011) Preferred address
Brasenose CollegeOxfordOX1 4AJDirect: +44 1865 277838
Research interests
Banach spaces, and related topics in Functional Analysis, General Topology and Measure Theory.