Taejun Park
BSc, BSc (Hons), MSc
Postgraduate Student
DPhil student in the numerical analysis group under supervision by Prof. Yuji Nakatsukasa.
Research groups
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Major / recent publications
- T. Park and Y. Nakatsukasa, Low-rank approximation of parameter-dependent matrices via CUR decomposition, arXiv:2408.05595 (2024).
- T. Park and Y. Nakatsukasa, Accuracy and Stability of CUR decompositions with Oversampling, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (to appear).
- T. Park and Y. Nakatsukasa, Approximating Sparse Matrices and their Functions using Matrix-vector products, arXiv:2310.05625 (2023).
- T. Park and Y. Nakatsukasa, Randomized Low-Rank Approximation for Symmetric Indefinite Matrices, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 44(3):1370-1392 (2023).
- T. Park and Y. Nakatsukasa, A fast randomized algorithm for computing an approximate null space. BIT Numer Math 63, 36 (2023).
Prizes, awards, and scholarships
- Heilbronn Doctoral Partnership, Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research (2021-2025)
- Roderick Noble Scholarship (2019)
- Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship (2016-2018)
- Twamley December Scholarship (2016)
Research interests
- Randomized Algorithms
- Numerical Linear Algebra
- Matrix Perturbation Theory
- C6.1 Numerical Linear Algebra - TA (MT21), Tutor (MT22, MT24)
- C6.2 Continuous Optimization - TA (HT23)
- C6.3 Approximation of Functions - Tutor (MT22)
- C7.7 Random Matrix Theory - TA (HT22)
- B6.2 Optimisation for Data Science - Tutor (HT25)
- B8.4 Information Theory - TA (HT22)
- A7 Numerical Analysis - Tutor (HT25)
- Prelims: Computational Mathematics - Tutor (HT25)