Welcome desk at an Open Day

Undergraduate Open Days

2024 University Open Days

The June and September open days are University-wide and will take place in both colleges and departments on 26 and 27 June, and 20 September. The Mathematical Institute does not require registration for these summer events, but please check directly with Colleges/other departments whether their open day events require pre-booking. More information can be found on the University open days page.

If you have any enquiries please email opendays@maths.ox.ac.uk.

Where: Andrew Wiles Building, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, OX2 6GG
10:00–10:30: Mathematics at Oxford talk
10:30–11:00: Admissions talk/Q&A
11:00-11:30: Pure Maths taster lecture
12:00-12:30: Applied Maths taster lecture
14:00-14:30: Probability and Statistics taster lecture
14:30–15:00: Maths and Philosophy taster lecture
15:00-15:30: Mathematics at Oxford talk

No booking required, first come first served with priority given to prospective students

Café open to the public

2024 Mathematics Open Days

We are delighted to host two Mathematics Departmental Open Days taking place in April 2024.

On 20 April 2024 we welcomed prospective students to the Mathematical Institute in Oxford for a day of Mathematics talks and course information.

On 27 April 2024 we will host an online virtual open day, with course information and pre-recorded Mathematics talks.

Online Open Day 27 April 2024

The links in the schedule below go to recordings of the sessions.

10:00—11:00Maths at Oxford

We've also collected together some pre-recorded videos that you might enjoy as part of the online open day.

  • The Maths department has recorded several undergraduate lectures to give you a taster of what lectures are like. We suggest starting with Introduction to Complex Numbers to see an example of teaching at Oxford, and then select from this playlist if you'd like to see another.
  • For students who are interested in Mathematics and Philosophy, we have a recorded open day talk on Infinity Machines with Prof. James Studd, discussing paradoxes, impossibilities, and infinity.
  • For students who are interested in Mathematics and Computer Science, we have videos on Game Theory and Graph Search, as well as a virtual tour of CS department.
  • Separate from the open day, we also run a weekly live maths show called the Oxford Online Maths Club which covers topics of interest to students preparing to study Mathematics or joint honours at university.

For more information, please see


Travel Information 

Oxford is within easy reach via road and rail from a number of places. See guidance on travel to the department for a location map. 

We strongly recommended that you use public transport, if at all possible. If you do travel by car, please note that there is no parking available at the Mathematical Institute and parking in the city centre is very limited.  There are several Park & Ride bus services which run from car parks on the outskirts of Oxford. Where possible, we advise parking at Pear Tree and taking the number 300 bus which stops opposite the entrance to the Mathematical Institute on Woodstock Road.


Please be aware…

During your visit to Oxford you may see third-party organisations handing out leaflets in the street, claiming to offer advice on the application process. Please be warned that these businesses are not affiliated with the University of Oxford, and they may charge for their services. We encourage you to take advantage of the many free opportunities and resources provided by the University and the departments (such as those on our MAT page).



Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 23 Jun 2024 17:25.