Fri, 09 Jun 2017

11:00 - 12:00

A homotopy exact sequence for overconvergent isocrystals

Ambrus Pal
(Imperial College)

I will explain how to prove the exactness of the homotopy sequence of overconvergent p-adic fundamental groups for a smooth and projective morphism in characteristic p. We do so by first proving a corresponding result for rigid analytic varieties in characteristic 0, following dos Santos in the algebraic case. In characteristic p we proceed by a series of reductions to the case of a liftable family of curves, where we can apply the rigid analytic result. Joint work with Chris Lazda.

Mon, 20 Feb 2017

14:15 - 15:15

A Statistical Model of Urban Retail Structure

(Imperial College)

One of the challenges of 21st-century science is to model the evolution of complex systems.  One example of practical importance is urban structure, for which the dynamics may be described by a series of non-linear first-order ordinary differential equations.  Whilst this approach provides a reasonable model of urban retail structure, it is somewhat restrictive owing to uncertainties arising in the modelling process.

We address these shortcomings by developing a statistical model of urban retail structure, based on a system of stochastic differential equations.   Our model is ergodic and the invariant distribution encodes our prior knowledge of spatio-temporal interactions.  We proceed by performing inference and prediction in a Bayesian setting, and explore the resulting probability distributions with a position-specific metrolpolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm.

Tue, 29 Nov 2016

Stochastic discrete Hamiltonian variational integrators

Tom Tyranowski
(Imperial College)

Stochastic Hamiltonian systems with multiplicative noise are a mathematical model for many physical systems with uncertainty. For example, they can be used to describe synchrotron oscillations of a particle in a storage ring. Just like their deterministic counterparts, stochastic Hamiltonian systems possess several important geometric features; for instance, their phase flows preserve the canonical symplectic form. When simulating these systems numerically, it is therefore advisable that the numerical scheme also preserves such geometric structures. In this talk we propose a variational principle for stochastic Hamiltonian systems and use it to construct stochastic Galerkin variational integrators. We show that such integrators are indeed symplectic, preserve integrals of motion related to Lie group symmetries, demonstrate superior long-time energy behavior compared to nonsymplectic methods, and they include stochastic symplectic Runge-Kutta methods as a special case. We also analyze their convergence properties and present the results of several numerical experiments. 

Thu, 03 Nov 2016

A new approach to study strong advection problems

Harsha Hutridurga
(Imperial College)
In this talk, I shall be attempting to give an overview of a new weak convergence type tool developed by myself, Thomas Holding (Warwick) and Jeffrey Rauch (Michigan) to handle multiple scales in advection-diffusion type models used in the turbulent diffusion theories. Loosely speaking, our strategy is to recast the advection-diffusion equation in moving coordinates dictated by the flow associated with a mean advective field. Crucial to our analysis is the introduction of a fast time variable. We introduce a notion of "convergence along mean flows" which is a weak multiple scales type convergence -- in the spirit of two-scale convergence theory. We have used ideas from the theory of "homogenization structures" developed by G. Nguetseng. We give a sufficient structural condition on the "Jacobain matrix" associated with the flow of the mean advective field which guarantees the homogenization of the original advection-diffusion problem as the microscopic lengthscale vanishes. We also show the robustness of this structural condition by giving an example where the failure of such a structural assumption leads to a degenerate limit behaviour. More details on this new tool in homogenzation theory can be found in the following paper: T. Holding, H. Hutridurga, J. Rauch. Convergence along mean flows, in press SIAM J Math. Anal., arXiv e-print: arXiv:1603.00424, (2016). In a sequel to the above mentioned work, we are preparing a work where we address the growth in the Jacobain matrix -- termed as Lagrangian stretching in Fluid dynamics literature -- and its consequences on the vanishing microscopic lengthscale limit. To this effect, we introduce a new kind of multiple scales convergence in weighted Lebesgue spaces. This helps us recover some results in Freidlin-Wentzell theory. This talk aims to present both these aspects of our work in an unified manner.
Thu, 01 Dec 2016

14:00 - 15:00

A multilevel method for semidefinite programming relaxations of polynomial optimization problems with structured sparsity

Panos Parpas
(Imperial College)

We propose a multilevel paradigm for the global optimisation of polynomials with sparse support. Such polynomials arise through the discretisation of PDEs, optimal control problems and in global optimization applications in general. We construct projection operators to relate the primal and dual variables of the SDP relaxation between lower and higher levels in the hierarchy, and theoretical results are proven to confirm their usefulness. Numerical results are presented for polynomial problems that show how these operators can be used in a hierarchical fashion to solve large scale problems with high accuracy.

Mon, 06 Jun 2016

12:00 - 13:00

Black Holes and Higher Derivative Gravity

Kellogg Stelle
(Imperial College)
Quantum corrections to the gravitational action generically include quadratic terms in the curvature. Moreover, these terms are distinguished with respect to other corrections in that their inclusion renders the theory renormalisable. The talk will discuss the changes their inclusion make to black hole solutions and the occurrence of other spherically symmetric solutions, such as wormholes and horizonless solutions.
Mon, 16 May 2016

15:45 - 16:45

Volumes of minimal hypersurfaces and stationary geodesic nets

Yevgeni Liokumovich
(Imperial College)

We will prove an upper bound for the volume of a minimal
hypersurface in a closed Riemannian manifold conformally equivalent to
a manifold with $Ric > -(n-1)$.  In the second part of the talk we will
construct a sweepout of a closed 3-manifold with positive Ricci
curvature by 1-cycles of controlled length and prove an upper bound
for the length of a stationary geodesic net. These are joint works
with Parker Glynn-Adey (Toronto) and Xin Zhou (MIT).

Mon, 25 Jan 2016

Minimal surfaces in 3-manifold topology

Dan Ketover
(Imperial College)

I will explain some recent work using minimal surfaces to address problems in 3-manifold topology.  Given a Heegaard splitting, one can sweep out a three-manifold by surfaces isotopic to the splitting, and run the min-max procedure of Almgren-Pitts and Simon-Smith to construct a smooth embedded minimal surface.   If the original splitting were strongly irreducible (as introduced by Casson-Gordon), H. Rubinstein sketched an argument in the 80s showing that the limiting minimal surface should be isotopic to the original splitting.  I will explain some results in this direction and how jointly with T. Colding and D. Gabai we can use such min-max minimal surfaces to complete the classification problem for Heegaard splittings of non-Haken hyperbolic 3-manifolds.

Mon, 16 Nov 2015

12:00 - 13:00

Energy Gaps and Casimir Energies in Holographic CFTs

Andrew Hickling
(Imperial College)

Two interesting properties of static curved space QFTs are Casimir Energies, and the Energy Gaps of fluctuations. We investigate what AdS/CFT has to say about these properties by examining holographic CFTs defined on curved but static spatially closed spacetimes. Being holographic, these CFTs have a dual gravitational description under Gauge/Gravity duality, and these properties of the CFT are reflected in the geometry of the dual bulk.  We can turn this on its head and ask, what does the existence of the gravitational bulk dual imply about these properties of the CFTs? In this talk we will consider holographic CFTs where the dual vacuum state is described by pure Einstein gravity with negative cosmological constant.  We will argue using the bulk geometry first, that if the CFT spacetime's spatial scalar curvature is positive there is a lower bound on the gap for scalar fluctuations, controlled by the minimum value of the boundary Ricci scalar. In fact, we will show that it is precisely the same bound as is satisfied by free scalar CFTs, suggesting that this bound might be something that applies more generally than just in a Holographic context. We will then show, in the case of 2+1 dimensional CFTs, that the Casimir energy is non-positive, and is in fact negative unless the CFT's scalar curvature is constant. In this case, there is no restriction on the boundary scalar curvature, and we can even allow singularities in the bulk, so long as they are 'good' singularities. If time permits, we will also describe some new results about the Hawking-Page transition in this context. 

Mon, 09 Nov 2015

12:00 - 13:00

Yang-Mills origin of gravitational symmetries

Mike Duff
(Imperial College)

By regarding gravity as the convolution of left and right Yang-Mills theories together with a spectator scalar field in the bi-adjoint representation, we derive in linearised approximation the gravitational symmetries of general covariance, p-form gauge invariance, local Lorentz invariance and local supersymmetry from the flat space Yang-Mills symmetries of local gauge invariance and global super-Poincare. As a concrete example we focus on the new-minimal (12+12) off-shell version of simple four-dimensional supergravity obtained by tensoring the off-shell Yang-Mills multiplets (4+4,NL =1)and(3+0,NR =0). 

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