Fri, 20 May 2011

12:00 - 13:00

Spectral data for principal Higgs bundles

Laura Schaposnik
(University of Oxford)

In this talk I shall present some ongoing work on principal G-Higgs bundles, for G a simple Lie group. In particular, we will consider two non-compact real forms of GL(p+q,C) and SL(p+q,C), namely U(p,q) and SU(p,q). By means of the spectral data that principal Higgs bundles carry for these non-compact real forms, we shall give a new description of the moduli space of principal U(p,q) and SU(p,q)-Higgs bundles. As an application of our method, we will count the connected components of these moduli spaces.

Fri, 10 Jun 2011

12:00 - 13:00

Fundamental groups and positive characteristic

Michael Groechenig
(University of Oxford)

In spirit with John's talk we will discuss how topological invariants can be defined within a purely algebraic framework. After having introduced étale fundamental groups, we will discuss conjectures of Gieseker, relating those to certain "flat bundles" in finite characteristic. If time remains we will comment on the recent proof of Esnault-Sun.

Fri, 03 Jun 2011

12:00 - 13:00

Some random facts about the Weil conjectures

John Calabrese
(University of Oxford)

I'll start by defining the zeta function and stating the Weil conjectures (which have actually been theorems for some time now). I'll then go on by saying things like "Weil cohomology", "standard conjectures" and "Betti numbers of the Grassmannian". Hopefully by the end we'll all have learned something, including me.

Fri, 24 Jun 2011

12:00 - 13:00

Betti numbers of twisted Higgs bundles on P^1

Steven Rayan
(University of Oxford)

As with conventional Higgs bundles, calculating Betti numbers of twisted Higgs bundle moduli spaces through Morse theory requires us to

study holomorphic chains. For the case when the base is P^1, we present a recursive method for constructing all the possible stable chains of a given type and degree by representing a family of chains by a quiver. We present the Betti numbers when the twists are O(1) and O(2), the latter of which coincides with the co-Higgs bundles on P^1. We offer some open questions. In doing so, we mention how these numbers have appeared elsewhere recently, namely in calculations of Mozgovoy related to conjectures coming from the physics literature (Chuang-Diaconescu-Pan).

Thu, 12 May 2011

13:00 - 14:00

Topological Borovoi's theorem

David Hume
(University of Oxford)

Mikhail Borovoi's theorem states that any simply connected compact semisimple Lie group can be understood (as a group) as an amalgam of its rank 1 and rank 2 subgroups. Here we present a recent extension of this, which allows us to understand the same objects as a colimit of their rank 1 and rank 2 subgroups under a final group topology in the category of Lie groups. Loosely speaking, we obtain not only the group structure uniquely by understanding all rank 1 and rank 2 subgroups, but also the topology.

The talk will race through the elements of Lie theory, buildings and category theory needed for this proof, to leave the audience with the underlying structure of the proof. Little prior knowledge will be assumed, but many details will be left out.

Fri, 17 Jun 2011

12:00 - 13:00

Gromov-Witten Invariants and Integrality

Benjamin Volk
(University of Oxford)

We will give a quick and dirty introduction to Gromov-Witten theory and discuss some integrality properties of GW invariants. We will start by briefly recalling some basic properties of the Deligne Mumford moduli space of curves. We will then try to define GW invariants using both algebraic and symplectic geometry (both definitions will be rather sloppy, but hopefully the basic idea will become visible), talk a bit about the axiomatic definition due to to Kontsevich and Manin, and discuss some applications like quantum cohomology. Finally, we will talk a bit about integrality and the Gopakumar-Vafa conjecture. Just as a word of warning: this talk is intended as an introduction to the

subject and should give an overview, so we will perhaps be a bit sloppy here and there...

Mon, 06 Jun 2011
Oxford-Man Institute

Modified equations, backward error analysis and numerical methods for stiff stochastic differential equations.

Konstantinos Zygalakis
(University of Oxford)

: Backward error analysis is a technique that has been extremely successful in understanding the behaviour of numerical methods for ordinary differential equations.  It is possible to fit an ODE (the so called modified equation) to a numerical method to very high accuracy. Backward error analysis has been of particular importance in the numerical study of Hamiltonian problems, since it allows to approximate symplectic numerical methods by a perturbed Hamiltonian system, giving an approximate statistical mechanics for symplectic methods. 

Such a systematic theory in the case of numerical methods for stochastic differential equations (SDEs) is currently lacking. In this talk we will describe a general framework for deriving modified equations for SDEs with respect to weak convergence. We will start by quickly recapping of how to derive modified equations in the case of ODEs and describe how these ideas can be generalized in the case of SDEs. Results will be presented for first order methods such as the Euler-Maruyama and the Milstein method. In the case of linear SDEs, using the Gaussianity of the underlying solutions, we will derive a SDE that the numerical method solves exactly in the weak sense. Applications of modified equations in the numerical study of Langevin equations and in the calculation of effective diffusivities will also be discussed, as well as the use of modified equations  as a tool for constructing higher order methods for stiff stochastic differential equations.

This is joint work with A. Abdulle (EPFL). D. Cohen (Basel), G. Vilmart (EPFL).

Thu, 23 Jun 2011

14:00 - 15:00
Gibson Grd floor SR

RBFs on Spheres

Prof Holger Wendland
(University of Oxford)

In this talk, I will discuss various aspects of approximation by radial basis functions on spheres. After a short introduction to the subject of scattered data approximation on spheres and optimal recovery, I will particularly talk about error analysis, a hybrid approximation scheme involving polynomials and radial basis functions and, if time permits, solving nonlinear parabolic equations on spheres.

Thu, 05 May 2011

14:00 - 15:00
Gibson Grd floor SR

Multilevel Monte Carlo method

Prof Mike Giles
(University of Oxford)

Please note that this is a short notice change from the originally advertised talk by Dr Shahrokh Shahpar (Rolls-Royce plc.)

The new talk "Multilevel Monte Carlo method" is given by Mike Giles, Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford.

Joint work with Rob Scheichl, Aretha Teckentrup (Bath) and Andrew Cliffe (Nottingham)

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