Thu, 02 Jun 2016

The Hasse norm principle for abelian extensions

Rachel Newton
(University of Reading)

Let $L/K$ be an extension of number fields and let $J_L$ and $J_K$ be the associated groups of ideles. Using the diagonal embedding, we view $L^*$ and $K^*$ as subgroups of $J_L$ and $J_K$ respectively. The norm map $N: J_L\to  J_K$ restricts to the usual field norm $N: L^*\to K^*$ on $L^*$. Thus, if an element of $K^*$ is a norm from $L^*$, then it is a norm from $J_L$. We say that the Hasse norm principle holds for $L/K$ if the converse holds, i.e. if every element of $K^*$ which is a norm from $J_L$ is in fact a norm from $L^*$. 

The original Hasse norm theorem states that the Hasse norm principle holds for cyclic extensions. Biquadratic extensions give the smallest examples for which the Hasse norm principle can fail. One might ask, what proportion of biquadratic extensions of $K$ fail the Hasse norm principle? More generally, for an abelian group $G$, what proportion of extensions of $K$ with Galois group $G$ fail the Hasse norm principle? I will describe the finite abelian groups for which this proportion is positive. This involves counting abelian extensions of bounded discriminant with infinitely many local conditions imposed, which is achieved using tools from harmonic analysis.

This is joint work with Christopher Frei and Daniel Loughran.

Fri, 11 Mar 2016

Mathematical Modelling of Melt Lake Formation On An Ice Shelf

Samantha Buzzard
(University of Reading)

The accumulation of surface meltwater on ice shelves can lead to the formation of melt lakes. These structures have been implicated in crevasse propagation and ice-shelf collapse; the Larsen B ice shelf was observed to have a large amount of melt lakes present on its surface just before its collapse in 2002. Through modelling the transport of heat through the surface of the Larsen C ice shelf, where melt lakes have also been observed, this work aims to provide new insights into the ways in which melt lakes are forming and the effect that meltwater filling crevasses on the ice shelf will have. This will enable an assessment of the role of meltwater in triggering ice-shelf collapse. The Antarctic Peninsula, where Larsen C is situated, has warmed several times the global average over the last century and this ice shelf has been suggested as a candidate for becoming fully saturated with meltwater by the end of the current century. Here we present results of a 1-D mathematical model of heat transfer through an idealized ice shelf. When forced with automatic weather station data from Larsen C, surface melting and the subsequent meltwater accumulation, melt lake development and refreezing are demonstrated through the modelled results. Furthermore, the effect of lateral meltwater transport upon melt lakes and the effect of the lakes upon the surface energy balance are examined. Investigating the role of meltwater in ice-shelf stability is key as collapse can affect ocean circulation and temperature, and cause a loss of habitat. Additionally, it can cause a loss of the buttressing effect that ice shelves can have on their tributary glaciers, thus allowing the glaciers to accelerate, contributing to sea-level rise.

Tue, 24 Feb 2015

14:00 - 14:30

A hybrid numerical-asymptotic boundary element method for scattering by penetrable obstacles

Samuel Groth
(University of Reading)

When high-frequency acoustic or electromagnetic waves are incident upon an obstacle, the resulting scattered field is composed of rapidly oscillating waves. Conventional numerical methods for such problems use piecewise-polynomial approximation spaces which are not well-suited to capture the oscillatory solution. Hence these methods are prohibitively expensive in the high-frequency regime. Much work has been done in developing “hybrid numerical-asymptotic” (HNA) boundary element methods which utilise approximation spaces containing oscillatory functions carefully chosen to capture the high-frequency asymptotic behaviour of the solution. The computational cost of this approach is significantly smaller than that of conventional methods, and for many problems it is independent of the frequency. In this talk, I will outline the HNA method and discuss its extension to scattering by penetrable obstacles.​

Thu, 28 Nov 2013

12:00 - 13:00

Contact Solutions for fully nonlinear PDE systems and applications to vector-valued Calculus of Variations in $L^{\infty}$

Dr. Nicholas Katzourakis
(University of Reading)

Calculus of Variations for $L^{\infty}$ functionals has a successful history of 50 years, but until recently was restricted to the scalar case. Motivated by these developments, we have recently initiated the vector-valued case. In order to handle the complicated non-divergence PDE systems which arise as the analogue of the Euler-Lagrange equations, we have introduced a theory of "weak solutions" for general fully nonlinear PDE systems. This theory extends Viscosity Solutions of Crandall-Ishii-Lions to the general vector case. A central ingredient is the discovery of a vectorial notion of extremum for maps which is a vectorial substitute of the "Maximum Principle Calculus" and allows to "pass derivatives to test maps" in a duality-free fashion. In this talk we will discuss some rudimentary aspects of these recent developments.

Thu, 14 Feb 2013

14:00 - 15:00
Gibson Grd floor SR

High frequency acoustic scattering by screens: computation and analysis

Professor Simon Chandler-Wilde
(University of Reading)

We address, in the study of acoustic scattering by 2D and 3D planar screens, three inter-related and challenging questions. Each of these questions focuses particularly on the formulation of these problems as boundary integral equations. The first question is, roughly, does it make sense to consider scattering by screens which occupy arbitrary open sets in the plane, and do different screens cause the same scattering if the open sets they occupy have the same closure? This question is intimately related to rather deep properties of fractional Sobolev spaces on general open sets, and the capacity and Haussdorf dimension of their boundary. The second question is, roughly, that, in answering the first question, can we understand explicitly and quantitatively the influence of the frequency of the incident time harmonic wave? It turns out that we can, that the problems have variational formations with sesquilinear forms which are bounded and coercive on fractional Sobolev spaces, and that we can determine explicitly how continuity and coercivity constants depend on the frequency. The third question is: can we design computational methods, adapted to the highly oscillatory solution behaviour at high frequency, which have computational cost essentially independent of the frequency? The answer here is that in 2D we can provably achieve solutions to any desired accuracy using a number of degrees of freedom which provably grows only logarithmically with the frequency, and that it looks promising that some extension to 3D is possible.



This is joint work with Dave Hewett, Steve Langdon, and Ashley Twigger, all at Reading.

Thu, 03 May 2012
Gibson 1st Floor SR

The semigeostrophic equations: a survey of old and new results

Beatrice Pelloni
(University of Reading)

In this talk I will survey the results on the existence of solutions of the semigeostrophic system, a fully nonlinear reduction of the Navier-Stokes equation that constitute a valid model when the effect of rotation dominate the atmospheric flow. I will give an account of the theory developed since the pioneering work of Brenier in the early 90's, to more recent results obtained in a joint work with Mike Cullen and David Gilbert.

Fri, 04 May 2012

14:30 - 15:30
DH 3rd floor SR

Nonlinear data assimilation in highly nonlinear large-dimensional systems

Prof. Peter Jan van Leeuwen
(University of Reading)

Data assimilation in highly nonlinear and high dimensional systems is a hard

problem. We do have efficient data-assimilation methods for high-dimensional

weakly nonlinear systems, exploited in e.g. numerical weather forecasting.

And we have good methods for low-dimensional (

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