Mon, 06 May 2024

On Galerkin approximations of the 2D Euler equations

Luigi Berselli
(University of Pisa)

We study fully discrete approximation of the 2D Euler equations for ideal homogeneous fluids. We focus on spectral methods and  discuss rates of convergence of velocity and vorticity under different assumptions on the smoothness of the data.

Thu, 22 Feb 2024

14:00 - 15:00
Lecture Room 3

Hierarchical adaptive low-rank format with applications to discretized PDEs

Leonardo Robol
(University of Pisa)

A novel framework for hierarchical low-rank matrices is proposed that combines an adaptive hierarchical partitioning of the matrix with low-rank approximation. One typical application is the approximation of discretized functions on rectangular domains; the flexibility of the format makes it possible to deal with functions that feature singularities in small, localized regions. To deal with time evolution and relocation of singularities, the partitioning can be dynamically adjusted based on features of the underlying data. Our format can be leveraged to efficiently solve linear systems with Kronecker product structure, as they arise from discretized partial differential equations (PDEs). For this purpose, these linear systems are rephrased as linear matrix equations and a recursive solver is derived from low-rank updates of such equations. 
We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework for stationary and time-dependent, linear and nonlinear PDEs, including the Burgers' and Allen–Cahn equations.

This is a joint work with Daniel Kressner and Stefano Massei.

Tue, 05 Mar 2024

14:00 - 14:30

A multilinear Nyström algorithm for low-rank approximation of tensors in Tucker format

Alberto Bucci
(University of Pisa)

The Nyström method offers an effective way to obtain low-rank approximation of SPD matrices, and has been recently extended and analyzed to nonsymmetric matrices (leading to the randomized, single-pass, streamable, cost-effective, and accurate alternative to the randomized SVD, and it facilitates the computation of several matrix low-rank factorizations. In this presentation, we take these advancements a step further by introducing a higher-order variant of Nyström's methodology tailored to approximating low-rank tensors in the Tucker format: the multilinear Nyström technique. We show that, by introducing appropriate small modifications in the formulation of the higher-order method, strong stability properties can be obtained. This algorithm retains the key attributes of the generalized Nyström method, positioning it as a viable substitute for the randomized higher-order SVD algorithm.

Fri, 25 Nov 2016

15:00 - 16:00

Hyperbolic Dehn filling in dimension four

Stefano Riolo
(University of Pisa)

By gluing copies of a deforming polytope, we describe some deformations of complete, finite-volume hyperbolic cone four-manifolds. Despite the fact that hyperbolic lattices are locally rigid in dimension greater than three (Garland-Raghunathan), we see a four-dimensional analogue of Thurston's hyperbolic Dehn filling: a path of cone-manifolds $M_t$ interpolating between two cusped hyperbolic four-manifolds $M_0$ and $M_1$.

This is a joint work with Bruno Martelli.

Thu, 16 Jun 2016

Minimal hypersurfaces with bounded index

Ben Sharp
(University of Pisa)
An embedded hypersurface in a Riemannian manifold is said to be minimal if it is a critical point with respect to the induced area. The index of a minimal hypersurface (roughly speaking) tells us how many ways one can locally deform the surface to decrease area (so that strict local area-minimisers have index zero). We will give an overview of recent works linking the index, topology and geometry of closed and embedded minimal hypersurfaces. The talk will involve separate joint works with Reto Buzano, Lucas Ambrozio and Alessandro Carlotto. 
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