Tue, 29 Nov 2022

Springer Fibres - Geometrical and Combinatorial Applications

Neil Saunders
(University of Greenwich)

Fibres coming from the Springer resolution on the nilpotent cone are incredibly rich algebraic varieties that have many applications in representation theory and combinatorics. Though their geometry can be very difficult to describe in general, in type A at least, their irreducible components can be described using standard Young tableaux, and this can help describe their geometry in small dimensions. In this talk, I will report on recent and ongoing work with Lewis Topley and separately Daniele Rosso on geometrical and combinatorial applications of the classical ‘type A’ Springer fibres and the ‘exotic’ type C Springer fibres coming from Kato’s exotic Springer correspondence.

Tue, 14 May 2019

Exotic Springer Fibres and Type C combinatorics

Neil Saunders
(University of Greenwich)

For $G$ connected, reductive algebraic group defined over $\mathbb{C}$ the Springer Correspondence gives a bijection between the irreducible representations of the Weyl group $W$ of $G$ and certain pairs comprising a $G$-orbit on the nilpotent cone of the Lie algebra of $G$ and an irreducible local system attached to that $G$-orbit. These irreducible representations can be concretely realised as a W-action on the top degree homology of the fibres of the Springer resolution. These Springer fibres are geometrically very rich and provide interesting Weyl group combinatorics: for instance, the irreducible components of these Springer fibres form a basis for the corresponding irreducible representation of $W$. In this talk, I'll give a general survey of the Springer Correspondence and then discuss recent joint projects with Daniele Rosso, Vinoth Nandakumar and Arik Wilbert on Kato's Exotic Springer correspondence.

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