Thu, 07 Mar 2024

Signature Kernel Conditional Independence Tests in Causal Discovery for Stochastic Processes

Dr Emilio Ferrucci
(Mathematical Institute University of Oxford)
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Predicting real-world phenomena often requires an understanding of their causal relations, not just their statistical associations. I will begin this talk with a brief introduction to the field of causal inference in the classical case of structural causal models over directed acyclic graphs, and causal discovery for static variables. Introducing the temporal dimension results in several interesting complications which are not well handled by the classical framework. The main component of a constraint-based causal discovery procedure is a statistical hypothesis test of conditional independence (CI). We develop such a test for stochastic processes, by leveraging recent advances in signature kernels. Then, we develop constraint-based causal discovery algorithms for acyclic stochastic dynamical systems (allowing for loops) that leverage temporal information to recover the entire directed graph. Assuming faithfulness and a CI oracle, our algorithm is sound and complete. We demonstrate strictly superior performance of our proposed CI test compared to existing approaches on path-space when tested on synthetic data generated from SDEs, and discuss preliminary applications to finance. This talk is based on joint work with Georg Manten, Cecilia Casolo, Søren Wengel Mogensen, Cristopher Salvi and Niki Kilbertus: .

Mon, 22 Jan 2024

14:00 - 15:00
Lecture Room 3

Kernel Limit of Recurrent Neural Networks Trained on Ergodic Data Sequences

Prof. Justin Sirignano
(Mathematical Institute University of Oxford)

Mathematical methods are developed to characterize the asymptotics of recurrent neural networks (RNN) as the number of hidden units, data samples in the sequence, hidden state updates, and training steps simultaneously grow to infinity. In the case of an RNN with a simplified weight matrix, we prove the convergence of the RNN to the solution of an infinite-dimensional ODE coupled with the fixed point of a random algebraic equation. 
The analysis requires addressing several challenges which are unique to RNNs. In typical mean-field applications (e.g., feedforward neural networks), discrete updates are of magnitude O(1/N ) and the number of updates is O(N). Therefore, the system can be represented as an Euler approximation of an appropriate ODE/PDE, which it will converge to as N → ∞. However, the RNN hidden layer updates are O(1). Therefore, RNNs cannot be represented as a discretization of an ODE/PDE and standard mean-field techniques cannot be applied. Instead, we develop a fixed point analysis for the evolution of the RNN memory state, with convergence estimates in terms of the number of update steps and the number of hidden units. The RNN hidden layer is studied as a function in a Sobolev space, whose evolution is governed by the data sequence (a Markov chain), the parameter updates, and its dependence on the RNN hidden layer at the previous time step. Due to the strong correlation between updates, a Poisson equation must be used to bound the fluctuations of the RNN around its limit equation. These mathematical methods allow us to prove a neural tangent kernel (NTK) limit for RNNs trained on data sequences as the number of data samples and size of the neural network grow to infinity.

Mon, 23 Oct 2023

14:00 - 15:00
Lecture Room 6

Tractable Riemannian Optimization via Randomized Preconditioning and Manifold Learning

Boris Shustin
(Mathematical Institute University of Oxford)

Optimization problems constrained on manifolds are prevalent across science and engineering. For example, they arise in (generalized) eigenvalue problems, principal component analysis, and low-rank matrix completion, to name a few problems. Riemannian optimization is a principled framework for solving optimization problems where the desired optimum is constrained to a (Riemannian) manifold.  Algorithms designed in this framework usually require some geometrical description of the manifold, i.e., tangent spaces, retractions, Riemannian gradients, and Riemannian Hessians of the cost function. However, in some cases, some of the aforementioned geometric components cannot be accessed due to intractability or lack of information.


In this talk, we present methods that allow for overcoming cases of intractability and lack of information. We demonstrate the case of intractability on canonical correlation analysis (CCA) and on Fisher linear discriminant analysis (FDA). Using Riemannian optimization to solve CCA or FDA with the standard geometric components is as expensive as solving them via a direct solver. We address this shortcoming using a technique called Riemannian preconditioning, which amounts to changing the Riemannian metric on the constraining manifold. We use randomized numerical linear algebra to form efficient preconditioners that balance the computational costs of the geometric components and the asymptotic convergence of the iterative methods. If time permits, we also show the case of lack of information, e.g., the constraining manifold can be accessed only via samples of it. We propose a novel approach that allows approximate Riemannian optimization using a manifold learning technique.


Tue, 25 Oct 2022

14:30 - 15:00

Some recent developments in high order finite element methods for incompressible flow

Charles Parker
(Mathematical Institute University of Oxford)
Over the past 30-40 years, high order finite element methods (FEMs) have gained significant traction. While much of the theory and implementation of high order continuous FEMs are well-understood, FEMs with increased smoothness are less popular in the literature and in practice. Nevertheless, engineering problems involving plates and shells give rise to fourth order elliptic equations, whose conforming approximations typically entail the Argyris elements, which are globally C1 and C2 at element vertices. The Argyris elements and their high order counterparts can then be used to construct the mass-conserving Falk-Neilan elements for incompressible flow problems. In particular, the Falk-Neilan elements inherit a level of extra smoothness at element vertices. In this talk, we will give a brief overview of some recent developments concerning the uniform hp-stability and preconditioning of the Falk-Neilan elements.
Thu, 25 Jun 2020

16:00 - 18:00

Optimal execution with rough path signatures

Imanol Pérez Arribas
(Mathematical Institute University of Oxford)

We present a method for obtaining approximate solutions to the problem of optimal execution, based on a signature method. The framework is general, only requiring that the price process is a geometric rough path and the price impact function is a continuous function of the trading speed. Following an approximation of the optimisation problem, we are able to calculate an optimal solution for the trading speed in the space of linear functions on a truncation of the signature of the price process. We provide strong numerical evidence illustrating the accuracy and flexibility of the approach. Our numerical investigation both examines cases where exact solutions are known, demonstrating that the method accurately approximates these solutions, and models where exact solutions are not known. In the latter case, we obtain favourable comparisons with standard execution strategies.

Fri, 21 Feb 2020

14:00 - 15:00

Tensors in biological data and algebraic statistics

Dr Anna Seigal
(Mathematical Institute University of Oxford)

Tensors are higher dimensional analogues of matrices, used to record data with multiple changing variables. Interpreting tensor data requires finding multi-linear stucture that depends on the application or context. I will describe a tensor-based clustering method for multi-dimensional data. The multi-linear structure is encoded as algebraic constraints in a linear program. I apply the method to a collection of experiments measuring the response of genetically diverse breast cancer cell lines to an array of ligands. In the second part of the talk, I will discuss low-rank decompositions of tensors that arise in statistics, focusing on two graphical models with hidden variables. I describe how the implicit semi-algebraic description of the statistical models can be used to obtain a closed form expression for the maximum likelihood estimate.

Fri, 14 Jun 2019

14:00 - 15:00

Reactions, diffusion and volume exclusion in a heterogeneous system of interacting particles

Dr Maria Bruna
(Mathematical Institute University of Oxford)

Cellular migration can be affected by short-range interactions between cells such as volume exclusion, long-range forces such as chemotaxis, or reactions such as phenotypic switching. In this talk I will discuss how to incorporate these processes into a discrete or continuum modelling frameworks. In particular, we consider a system with two types of diffusing hard spheres that can react (switch type) upon colliding. We use the method of matched asymptotic expansions to obtain a systematic model reduction, consisting of a nonlinear reaction-diffusion system of equations. Finally, we demonstrate how this approach can be used to study the effects of excluded volume on cellular chemotaxis. This is joint work with Dan Wilson and Helen Byrne.

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