Forthcoming events in this series

Fri, 16 Jun 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Lakes, rivers… and waterfalls? Modelling Antarctic Surface Hydrology

Sammie Buzzard
(University of Cardiff)

The formation of surface meltwater has been linked with the disintegration of many ice shelves in the Antarctic Peninsula over the last several decades. Despite the importance of surface meltwater production and transport to ice shelf stability, knowledge of these processes is still lacking. Understanding the surface hydrology of ice shelves is an essential first step to reliably project future sea level rise from ice-sheet melt.

In order to better understand the processes driving meltwater distribution on ice shelves, we present the first comprehensive model of surface hydrology to be developed for Antarctic ice shelves, enabling us to incorporate key processes such as the lateral transport of surface meltwater. Recent observations suggest that surface hydrology processes on ice shelves are more complex than previously thought, and that processes such as lateral routing of meltwater across ice shelves, ice shelf flexure and surface debris all play a role in the location and influence of meltwater. Our model allows us to account for these and is calibrated and validated through both remote sensing and field observations.

Fri, 19 May 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Ocean tides in the outer solar system

Hamish Hay
(Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford)

The giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn, all host several satellites that contain vast liquid water reservoirs beneath their frozen surfaces. These Ocean Worlds and some of the most compelling targets for future exploration of the solar system due to their potential for hosting habitable subsurface environments. The internal dynamics of these bodies is, as yet, largely unknown.

A key process that shapes the internal and orbital evolution of these systems is tides and the resultant dissipation of heat. I will review how these global ocean’s dynamically respond to the tide-generating potentials that are relevant in tightly-packed planetary systems, including the physics and mathematical techniques used to model global tidal flow. Oceanic dissipation rates due to tides will be estimated, including the effect of a thick global ice layer above the ocean and tides raised by neighbouring moons. I will end on recent work regarding the generation of weak mean flows via periodic tidal forcing.

Fri, 05 May 2023

14:00 - 15:00

MHD instability associated with critical layers

Chen Wang
(University of Exeter)

Critical levels appear as singularities of waves propagating in shear flows. When magnetic field exists, critical levels are located where the phase velocity of the wave relative to the basic flow matches the velocity of Alfvén waves. Critical levels are known for locally strong wave amplitude in its vicinity, known as the critical layers. In this talk, I will demonstrate the situation where magnetic critical layers can contribute to the instability of the MHD flow.  We consider two different flow configurations. One is the shallow water flow, and the other is the 2D flow on a sphere. Asymptotic analysis has been used to explore deeper insights of the instability mechanism.

Fri, 10 Mar 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Modelling the impact of rock heterogeneity on geological CO2 storage

Catrin Harris
(Imperial College)

Permanent geological carbon storage will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help mitigate climate change. Storage security is increased by CO2 capillary trapping in cm-to-m scale, layered rock heterogeneities; features that are ubiquitous across storage sites worldwide. This talk will outline the challenges associated with modelling the impact of small-scale heterogeneity on large scale saturation distributions and trapping during geological CO2 storage, including the difficulties in incorporating petrophysical and geological uncertainty into field-scale numerical models. Experimental results demonstrate the impact of cm-scale heterogeneity on pore-scale processes, which in turn influence large scale behaviour. Heterogeneity is shown to have a leading order impact on saturation distribution and storage capacity during geological CO2 storage.

Fri, 10 Feb 2023

14:00 - 15:00

Making ice sheet models scale properly

Ed Bueler
(University of Alaska Fairbanks)

My talk will attempt to capture the imperfect state of the art in high-resolution ice sheet modelling, aiming to expose the core performance-limiting issues.  The essential equations for modeling ice flow in a changing climate will be presented, assuming no prior knowledge of the problem.  These geophysical/climate problems are of both free-boundary and algebraic-equation-constrained character.  Current-technology models usually solve non-linear Stokes equations, or approximations thereof, at every explicit time-step.  Scale analysis shows why this current design paradigm is expensive, but building significantly faster high-resolution ice sheet models requires new techniques.  I'll survey some recently-arrived tools, some near-term improvements, and sketch some new ideas.

Fri, 02 Dec 2022

14:00 - 15:00

CANCELLED (30/11) Shaping of solids under natural convection

Megan Davies Wykes
(University of Cambridge)

Fluids sculpt many of the shapes we see in the world around us. We present a new mathematical model describing the shape evolution of a body that dissolves or melts under gravitationally stable buoyancy-driven convection, driven by thermal or solutal transfer at the solid-fluid interface. For high Schmidt number, the system is reduced to a single integro-differential equation for the shape evolution. Focusing on the particular case of a cone, we derive complete predictions for the underlying self-similar shapes, intrinsic scales and descent rates. We will present the results of new laboratory experiments, which show an excellent match to the theory. By analysing all initial power-law shapes, we uncover a surprising result that the tips of melting or dissolving bodies can either sharpen or blunt with time subject to a critical condition.

Fri, 18 Nov 2022

14:00 - 15:00

From grain transport to aeolian and fluvial dynamics: a field-model approach

Pauline Delorme
(University of Hull)

The evolution of land surfaces is partly cause by the erosion, transport and deposition of sediment. My research aims to understand the origin and evolution of landscapes, using the tools of fluid mechanics. I am particularly interested in aeolian and fluvial transport of sediments. To do this, I use a multi-method approach (theoretical/numerical analysis, laboratory experiments and field measurements). The use of simplified laboratory experiments allows me to limit the complexity of natural systems by identifying the main mechanisms controlling sediment transport.  Once these physical laws are established, I apply them to natural data to explain the morphology of the observed landscapes, and to predict their evolution.

In this seminar, I will present two examples of the application of my work. An experimental study highlighting the influence of input conditions (water and sediment flows, sediment properties) on the morphology of fluvial deposits (i.e. alluvial fan), as well as a theoretical analysis coupled with field measurements to understand the mechanisms of dune initiation.

Fri, 04 Nov 2022

14:00 - 15:00

Isostasy at the planetary scale

Mikael Beuthe
(Royal Observatory of Belgium)

Isostasy is one of the earliest quantitative geophysical theories still in current use. It explains why observed gravity anomalies are generally much weaker than what is inferred from visible topography, and why planetary crusts can support large mountains without breaking up. At large scale, most topography (including bathymetry) is in isostatic equilibrium, meaning that surface loads are buoyantly supported by crustal thickness variations or density variations within the crust and lithosphere, in such a way that deeper layers are hydrostatic. On Earth, examples of isostasy are the average depth of the oceans, the elevation of the Himalayas, and the subsidence of ocean floor away from mid-ocean ridges, which are respectively attributed to the crust-ocean thickness difference, to crustal thickening under mountain belts, and to the density increase due to plate cooling. Outside Earth, isostasy is useful to constrain the crustal thickness of terrestrial planets and the shell thickness of icy moons with subsurface oceans.

Given the apparent simplicity of the isostatic concept – buoyant support of mountains by iceberg-like roots – it is surprising that a debate has been going on for over a century about its various implementations. Classical isostasy is indeed not self-consistent, neglects internal stresses and geoid contributions to topographical support, and yields ambiguous predictions of geoid anomalies at the planetary scale. In the last few years, these problems have attracted renewed attention when applying isostasy to planetary bodies with an unbroken crustal shell. In this talk I will discuss isostatic models based on the minimization of stress, on time-dependent viscous evolution, and on stationary viscous flow. I will show that these new isostatic approaches are mostly equivalent and discuss their implications for the structure of icy moons.

Fri, 21 Oct 2022

14:00 - 15:00

The mechanics of alluvial rivers

Olivier Devauchelle
(Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris)

Rivers choose their size and shape, and spontaneously organize into ramified networks. Yet, they are essentially a channelized flow of water that carries sediment. Based on laboratory experiments, field measurements and simple theory, we will investigate the basic mechanisms by which rivers form themselves, and carve the landscapes that surround us.

Fri, 17 Jun 2022

14:00 - 15:00
Fri, 20 May 2022

14:00 - 15:00

Multiscale Image Based Modelling of Plant-Soil Interaction

Tiina Roose
(University of Southampton)

We rely on soil to support the crops on which we depend. Less obviously we also rely on soil for a host of 'free services' from which we benefit. For example, soil buffers the hydrological system greatly reducing the risk of flooding after heavy rain; soil contains very large quantities of carbon, which would otherwise be released into the atmosphere where it would contribute to climate change. Given its importance it is not surprising that soil, especially its interaction with plant roots, has been a focus of many researchers. However the complex and opaque nature of soil has always made it a difficult medium to study. 

In this talk I will show how we can build a state of the art image based model of the physical and chemical properties of soil and soil-root interactions, i.e., a quantitative, model of the rhizosphere based on fundamental scientific laws.
This will be realised by a combination of innovative, data rich fusion of structural and chemical imaging methods, integration of experimental efforts to both support and challenge modelling capabilities at the scale of underpinning bio-physical processes, and application of mathematically sound homogenisation/scale-up techniques to translate knowledge from rhizosphere to field scale. The specific science questions I will address with these techniques are: (1) how does the soil around the root, the rhizosphere, function and influence the soil ecosystems at multiple scales, (2) what is the role of root- soil interface micro morphology on plant nutrient uptake, (3) what is the effect of plant exuded mucilage on the soil morphology, mechanics and resulting field and ecosystem scale soil function and (4) how to translate this knowledge from the single root scale to root system, field and ecosystem scale in order to predict how the climate change, different soil management strategies and plant breeding will influence the soil fertility. 

Fri, 06 May 2022

14:00 - 15:00

Lahars and huaicos: modelling erosive flash floods

Andrew Hogg
(Bristol University)

Lahars and huaicos are potent natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods. They comprise debris-laden fluid that flows rapidly down slopes, bulking up considerably as they progress. Owing to their rapid onset and the significant threat that they pose to communities and infrastructures, it is important to be able to predict their motion in order to assess quantitatively some of the impacts that they may cause. In this seminar I will present mathematical models of these flows and apply them to various natural settings, drawing on examples from Peru and the Philippines.  Along the way I will show some informative, idealised solutions, the susceptibility of these flows to roll wave instabilities, ways to prevent ill-posedness and how to include measured topography in the computation.

Fri, 11 Mar 2022

14:00 - 15:00

Glacial reshaping of the Earth surface: From geological observations to modeling

Anders Damsgaard
(Aarhus University)

The presence of glaciers and ice sheets leaves a significant imprint
on Earth's surface.  We steadily improve our physical understanding of
the involved processes, from the erosion of kilometer-deep fjords in
crystalline bedrock to the broad ice-marginal deposition of sediments.
This talk will highlight observations of landforms, sedimentary deposits,
laboratory experiments, and models that aim to capture the interplay
between ice and substratum.  I show how the interplay may play a role in
the future evolution of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet in a warming climate.

Fri, 25 Feb 2022

14:00 - 15:00

Multiscale Modeling of Layered Anisotropic Stratified Turbulence

Greg Chini
(University of New Hampshire)

Stably density stratified shear flows arise widely in geophysical settings. Instabilities of these flows occur on scales that are too small to be directly resolved in numerical simulations, e.g., of the oceans and atmosphere, yet drive diabatic mixing events that often exert a controlling influence on much larger-scale processes. In the limit of strong stratification, the flows are characterized by the emergence of highly anisotropic layer-like structures with much larger horizontal than vertical scales. Owing to their relative horizontal motion, these structures are susceptible to stratified shear instabilities that drive spectrally non-local energy transfers. To efficiently describe the dynamics of this ``layered anisotropic stratified turbulence'' regime, a multiple-scales asymptotic analysis of the non-rotating Boussinesq equations is performed. The resulting asymptotically-reduced equations are shown to have a generalized quasi-linear (GQL) form that captures the essential physics of strongly stratified shear turbulence. The model is used to investigate the mixing efficiency of certain exact coherent states (ECS) arising in strongly stratified Kolmogorov flow. The ECS are computed using a new methodology for numerically integrating slow--fast GQL systems that obviates the need to explicitly resolve the fast dynamics associated with the stratified shear instabilities by exploiting an emergent marginal stability constraint.

Fri, 03 Dec 2021

14:00 - 15:00

Fingers and Fractures: Instabilities in Viscoplastic Fluid Films

Thomasina Ball

The study of gravity currents has long been of interest due to their prevalence in industry and in nature, one such example being the spreading of viscoplastic (yield-stress) fluid films. When a viscoplastic fluid is extruded onto a flat plate, the resulting gravity current expands axisymmetrically when the surface is dry and rough. In this talk, I will discuss two instabilities that arise when (1) the no-slip surface is replaced by a free-slip surface; and (2) the flat plate is wet by a thin coating of water.

Fri, 05 Nov 2021

14:00 - 15:00

Carbon capture and storage in layered porous reservoirs

Graham Benham

The injection of CO2 into porous subsurface reservoirs is a technological means for removing anthropogenic emissions, which relies on a series of complex porous flow properties. During injection of CO2 small-scale heterogeneities, often in the form of sedimentary layering, can play a significant role in focusing the flow of less viscous CO2 into high permeability pathways, with large-scale implications for the overall motion of the CO2 plume. In these settings, capillary forces between the CO2 and water preferentially rearrange CO2 into the most permeable layers (with larger pore space), and may accelerate plume migration by as much as 200%. Numerous factors affect overall plume acceleration, including the structure of the layering, the permeability contrast between layers, and the playoff between the capillary, gravitational and viscous forces that act upon the flow. However, despite the sensitivity of the flow to these heterogeneities, it is difficult to acquire detailed field measurements of the heterogeneities owing to the vast range of scales involved, presenting an outstanding challenge. As a first step towards tackling this uncertainty, we use a simple modelling approach, based on an upscaled thin-film equation, to create ensemble forecasts for many different types and arrangements of sedimentary layers. In this way, a suite of predictions can be made to elucidate the most likely scenarios for injection and the uncertainty associated with such predictions. 

Fri, 07 May 2021

14:00 - 15:00

Friction law for glaciers inferred from finite element modelling

Olivier Gagliardini
(LGGE Universite Grenoble-Alpes)

The first studies of the friction at the base of glacier were done by the pioneers Weertman and Lliboutry in the 1950s, who proposed theories under assumptions that have not been questioned for decades. Among these assumptions, the most questionable are the 2d geometry of the bumps, the pure sliding at the ice-bed interface and the hypothesis of stationary water pressure. In this seminar, I will present recent works using local modelling of basal friction with the finite element method that explore the validity of the proposed friction laws when these assumptions do not hold any more. 

Fri, 12 Feb 2021

14:00 - 15:00

Fluid-induced fracturing of ice sheets and ice shelves

Yao Lai
(Princeton University)

The interplay between fluid flows and fractures is ubiquitous in Nature and technology, from hydraulic fracturing in the shale formation to supraglacial lake drainage in Greenland and hydrofracture on Antarctic ice shelves.

In this talk I will discuss the above three examples, focusing on the scaling laws and their agreement with lab experiments and field observations. As climate warms, the meltwater on Antarctic ice shelves could threaten their structural integrity through propagation of water-driven fractures. We used a combination of machine learning and fracture mechanics to understand the stability of fractures on ice shelves. Our result also indicates that as meltwater inundates the surface of ice shelves in a warm climate, their collapse driven by hydrofracture could significantly influence the flow of the Antarctic Ice Sheets. 

Fri, 29 Jan 2021

14:00 - 15:00

Energetics of volcanic eruptions in the deep oceans: linking ash dispersal and megaplume generation

Sam Pegler
(University of Leeds)

Deep-marine volcanism drives Earth's most energetic transfers of heat and mass between the crust and the oceans. Yet little is known of the primary source and intensity of the energy release that occurs during seafloor volcanic events owing to the lack of direct observations. Seafloor magmatic activity has nonetheless been correlated in time with the appearance of massive plumes of hydrothermal fluid known as megaplumes. However, the mechanism by which megaplumes form remains a mystery. By utilising observations of pyroclastic deposits on the seafloor, we show that their dispersal required an energy discharge that is sufficiently powerful (1-2 TW) to form a hydrothermal discharge with characteristics that align precisely with those of megaplumes observed to date. The result produces a conclusive link between tephra production, magma extrusion, tephra dispersal and megaplume production. However, the energy flux is too high to be explained by a purely volcanic source (lava heating), and we use our constraints to suggest other more plausible mechanisms for megaplume creation. The talk will cover a combination of new fluid mechanical fundamentals in volcanic transport processes, inversion methods and their implications for volcanism in the deep oceans.

Fri, 04 Dec 2020

14:00 - 15:00

Vortices and jets in planetary cores

Celine Guervilly
(Newcastle University)

Convection is the main heat transport process in the liquid cores of planets and the primary energy source for planetary magnetic fields. These convective motions are thought to be turbulent and strongly constrained by rotation. In this talk, I will discuss the large-scale flows (zonal jets and vortices) that form in this rapidly-rotating turbulent regime, which we explore with numerical models.

Fri, 20 Nov 2020

14:00 - 15:00

Crust formation and magma transfer on the Moon

Chloe Michaut
(École Normale Supérieure de Lyon)

The classical fractional crystallisation scenario for magma ocean solidification on the Moon suggests that its crust formed by flotation of light anorthite minerals on top of a liquid ocean, which has been used to explain the anorthositic composition of the lunar crust. However, this model points to rapid crustal formation over tens of million years and struggles to predict the age range of primitive ferroan anorthosites from 4.5 and 4.3 Ga. 

Here I will present a new paradigm of slushy magma ocean crystallisation in which crystals are suspended throughout the magma ocean, and the lunar crust forms by magmatic processes over several hundreds of thousand years.

We will then focus on the effects of the particular characteristics of this primary crust on the transport and eruption of magma on the Moon.

Fri, 06 Nov 2020

14:00 - 15:00

Some multiphase buoyancy driven flows in the environment : aerosols, ash and bubbles

Andy Woods
(University of Cambridge)

In this talk, I will present a series of new experimental data, supported by theoretical models, of the transport of ash, aerosols and bubbles in multiphase plumes rising through stratified environments, focussing on the structure of flow and the dispersal of the different phases. The models have relevance for the dispersal of volcanic ash in the atmosphere and ocean, the mixing of aerosols in buildings, and the fate of suspended sediment produced during deep sea mining. 

Fri, 23 Oct 2020

14:00 - 15:00

Snow evolution through meltwater percolation and compaction

Colin Meyer

Snow densification and meltwater refreezing store water in alpine regions and transform snow into ice on the surface of glaciers. Despite their importance in determining snow-water equivalent and glacier-induced sea level rise, we still lack a complete understanding of the physical mechanisms underlying snow compaction and the infiltration of meltwater into snowpacks. Here we (i) analyze snow compaction experiments as a promising direction for determining the rheology of snow though its many stages of densification and (ii) solve for the motion of refreezing fronts and for the temperature increase due to the release of latent heat, which we compare to temperature observations from the Greenland Ice Sheet (Humphrey et al., 2012). In the first part, we derive a mixture theory for compaction and air flow through the porous snow (cf. Hewitt et al. 2016) to compare against laboratory data (Wang and Baker, 2013). We find that a plastic compaction law explains experimental results. Taking standard forms for the permeability and effective pressure as functions of the porosity, we show that this compaction mode persists for a range of densities and overburden loads (Meyer et al., 2020). We motivate the second part of the talk by the observed melting at high elevations on the Greenland Ice Sheet, which causes the refreezing layers that are observed in ice cores. Our analysis shows that as surface temperatures increase, the capacity for meltwater storage in snow decreases and surface runoff increases leading to sea level rise (Meyer and Hewitt, 2017). Together these studies provide a holistic picture for how snow changes through compaction and the role of meltwater percolation in altering the temperature and density structure of surface snow.

Fri, 13 Mar 2020

14:00 - 15:00

Lava flows: theory, laboratory experiments and field data

Herbert Huppert
(University of Cambridge)

World wide, unconstrained lava flows kill people almost each year and cause extensive damage, costing millions of pounds. Defending against lava flows is possible by using topographic variations sensibly, placing buildings considerately, constructing defending walls of appropriate size and the like. Hinton, Hogg and Huppert have recently published three rather mathematical papers outlining how viscous flows down slopes interact with a variety of geometrical shapes; evaluating, in particular, the conditions under which “dry zones” form – safe places for people and belongings – and the size of a protective wall required to defend a given size building.

Following a desktop experimental demonstration, we will discuss these analyses and their consequences.