Creating Remote/Hybrid Classes

This page contains information for class tutors.

Screenshot showing the Moodle homepage, with an arrow pointing to the "Log in" linkGo to the Courses site and make sure you are logged in - click "Log in" in the top right corner if not.

Navigate to the relevant course - either using the list on the homepage, or from "My courses". If you use the search box, make sure you select the course for the current year.

Screenshot showing a course page, with an arrow pointing to the "Open block drawer" icon at the rightExpand the right menu if it is not already visible.

Screenshot showing the "Upcoming events" block in the right drawer, with an arrow pointing to the "Go to calendar..." linkClick "Go to calendar...".

Screenshot showing the course Calendar page, with an arrow pointing to the "New event" buttonClick "New event".

Screenshot showing the "New event" form, with arrows pointing to each of the fields and the "Show more..." linkEnter a suitable title, e.g. "B8.5 Class", and the date/time it will happen.

If you are teaching a class, select "Group" for "Type of event", then select the appropriate group. The number of the class should correspond to the number of the class you can see in TMS.

If you are teaching a consultation session, select "Course" for "Type of event", so that the event is visible to all students enrolled on the course.

Click "Show more...".

Screenshot showing the second part of the "New event" form, with arrows pointing to each of the fields and the "Save" buttonIn the "Description" field, you will need to insert a Teams meeting link. You can do that within Teams itself, as documented on our website, and paste the URL in; or you can to create a meeting directly from Moodle:

  • Click the "Teams Meeting" icon
  • Click "Sign in"
    • Sign into your SSO account (if you're not already signed in)
    • Grant the helper application - titled "Meetings App (unverified)" - permission to create meetings on your behalf (you only need to do this once)
  • Click "Create meeting link"
    • Enter the meeting title and start/end times
    • Click "Create"
  • Click "Meeting Options", which will open the meeting options in a new tab
    • Set "Who can bypass the lobby?" to "People in my org"
    • Click Save
    • Close the tab
  • Click "Add link"

Note: The same meeting link can be used for all your classes for the whole term - you don't need to create separate links. The time you specified when creating the link does not really matter for this purpose, and all Teams links remain active for 60 days after the meeting was last used.

In "Location", enter the physical location, e.g. "C6", if it is hybrid, or "Microsoft Teams" if it is online only.

You can choose to either specify a duration or leave it as "Without duration".

If you want to schedule a series of classes, tick "Repeat this event" and specify how many weekly classes there will be. (Unfortunately Moodle doesn't currently support biweekly classes - in that case it is best to schedule them weekly for 7 weeks, then go back to the calendar and remove every second one.)

Finally, click "Save".

After your classes have been scheduled, the students in the relevant classes will see them in their calendars. You may wish to advise your class of that via the "Announcements" section at the top of the course page. If you want to limit your announcement to the relevant group, click "Add discussion topic" then "Advanced" and select the relevant group.

Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 21 Jul 2023 12:09.