E-Books 2021
Some recent e-books, including titles requested by members of the Department. Titles can also be accessed via SOLO
- Implicit fractional differential and integral equations : existence and stability / Said Abbas. De Gruyter 2018.
- Adaptive stochastic methods : in computational mathematics and mechanics / Dmitry Arseniev, V.M. Ivanov, Maxim Korenevsky. De Gruyter 2018.
- Financial engineering / John Birge, Vadim Linetsky. North-Holland 2008.
- Handbook of geometry and topology of singularities I / eds. Cisneros-Molina, Le, Seade. Springer 2020.
- Mathematical foundations of data science using R / Frank Emmert-Streib, Salissou Moutari, and Matthias Dehmer. De Gruyter, 2020.
- Mathematical methods for finance : tools for asset and risk management / S. Focardi and F. Fabozzi. Wiley, 2013.
- Etale homotopy of simplicial schemes / E. Friedlander. Princeton University Press, 1982.
- Big data analytics methods : analytics techniques in data mining, deep learning and natural language processing / P. Ghavami. De Gruyter, 2019.
- Periodic locally compact groups : a study of a class of totally disconnected topological groups / W. Herfort, K. Hofmann and F. Russo. De Gruyter, 2019.
- The concentration of measure phenomenon / Michel Ledoux. AMS 200.
- Continuous time Markov processes : an introduction / Thomas Liggett. AMS 2010.
- Stochastic models of financial mathematics / Virgidas Mackevicius. Elsevier, 2016.
- Handbook of Fourier analysis and its applications / Robert Marks. OUP 2020.
- Dynamical Systems and Geometric Mechanics : an Introduction / Jared Maruskin. De Gruyter 2018.
- Nonlinear Differential Problems with Smooth and Nonsmooth Constraints / Dumitru Motreanu. Elsevier 2018.
- Introduction to Malliavin calculus / D. Nualart & E. Nualart. CUP 2018.
- Optimal transport : old and new / Cedric Villani. Springer 2009.
- Topics in optimal transport / Cedric Villani. Springer 2003.
- Differential topology / C.T.C. Wall. CUP, 2016.
Very Short Introductions (published by Oxford University Press) all titles in this series are available online and include several written by members of the Department. For example, Applied Mathematics by Alain Goriely ; Topology by Richard Earl ; Combinatorics, Number Theory, both by Robin Wilson ; Chaos by Lenny Smith ; History of Mathematics by Jackie Stedall.
Other titles cover Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Complexity, Cryptography, Gravity, Networks, Symmetry, Mathematical Finance, Quantum Theory.