Research Using Data Involving Humans
It is becoming increasingly common for mathematical and computational scientists to use large, potentially sensitive data sets as part of their research. This raises issues of privacy and data protection, which are covered by relevant legislation and University policies. These policies must be followed when using any data involving humans, especially when it contains personal information (even in anonymized form).
Researchers must complete a form and submit it by e-mail to the Head of Department (@email), who will in turn submit it to the Social Sciences & Humanities IDREC at Oxford. The requisite form is available from the Central University Research Ethics Committee (CUREC) website from the Curec checklists and application forms page (CUREC/1 SSHIDREC is likely to be the appropriate form).
Other Useful Information
For questions about CUREC and their ethics rules and procedures, send e-mail to @email
The pertinent University ethics representative can be reached at @email
For questions about Data Protection at Oxford, contact the Data Protection Team.