Consultative Committee for Graduates

The Consultative Committee for Graduates (CCG) meets once each term, usually in Week 3. The Director of Graduate Studies (Research) chairs the meeting.

The CCG elected members for 2023/24 (see their profile pages for pictures and more info on each person) are:


Current CCG agenda, papers and minutes:

CCG 30.01.24 Agenda and combined papers.pdf

CCG 30.01.24 Unconfirmed minutes.pdf


Previous CCG agendas, papers and minutes:

CCG 24.10.23 Agenda and Papers.pdf

CCG 24.10.23 Confirmed minutes.pdf

CCG 09.05.23 Agenda and Papers.pdf

CCG 09.05.23 Confirmed minutes.pdf

CCG 31.01.23 Agenda and Papers.pdf

CCG 31.01.23 Confirmed minutes.pdf

Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 10 Jun 2024 09:26.