Consultative Committee for Graduates
The committee consists of up to 6 junior members reading for higher degrees, and the Directors of Graduate Studies. One or two of the junior members should be following an MSc by coursework.
The committee members are appointed from amongst graduate students admitted by the Mathematical Institute, and graduate students following taught MScs by coursework for which the Mathematical Institute shares some teaching responsibility. Nominations and self-nominations are invited by circulating these graduate students electronically in the second week of Michaelmas term. Elections are held electronically during the fourth week of Michaelmas term, with three working days being given for voting. The one MSc (coursework) student with the most votes, the three research students (DPhil or MSc by research) with the most votes, and the two remaining students (either MSC or DPhil) with the most votes are elected. The committee has the power to co-opt junior members such that membership is complete. The committee may operate, if necessary, without its full complement of places having been filled.
The committee is concerned with matters such as the syllabus, teaching arrangements, library facilities, office facilities, and the general aspects of examinations and it will annually review examiners reports for the taught MScs.
The Director of Graduate Studies (R) is appointed as Chair of the committee. The DGS(T) is a member, ex officio. The Deputy Head of Academic Administration or another member of Mathematical Institute staff will act as secretary to the committee. The minutes of the committee are forwarded to the Graduate Studies Committee.
The committee is able as of right to address a communication direct to the Department Committee, the Research Committee, or the Graduate Studies Committee, of the Mathematical Institute depending on the matters involved.
The committee meets at 1pm on Tuesday in the 3rd week of each full term unless the HOD determines otherwise.
Membership is for one year with the option of renewing.
Director of Graduate Studies (Research) (Chair) | Professor Tom Sanders | |
Director of Graduate Studies (Taught) | Professor Christoph Reisinger | |
DPhil Representatives | Leo Gitin (MT2023, MT2024) | MT2025 |
Mario Marcos Losada (MT2024) | MT2025 | |
Benedikt Stock (MT2024) | MT2025 | |
MSc Representatives | George Hughes (MT2024) | MT2025 |
VACANT (MT2024) | MT2025 | |
Inti-Raymi Carhuancho Mantripp (MT2024) | MT2025 | |
CDT Representatives | Tassilo Schwarz (MT2023, MT2024) | MT2025 |
Shyam Popat (MT2023, MT2024) | MT2025 | |
Secretariat | Joanna Walker |