Prof. Andras Juhasz
PhD (Princeton)
Academic Faculty
Professor of Mathematics
Tutorial Fellow at Keble College
Research groups
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Major / recent publications
The signature and cusp geometry of hyperbolic knots, Geometry & Topology, to appear (joint with Alex Davies, Marc Lackenby, and Nenad Tomasev)
Differential and low-dimensional topology, LMS Student Texts 104, Cambridge University Press, 2023.
Examples of topologically unknotted tori, Transactions of the AMS, to appear (joint with Mark Powell)
On Fox's trapezoidal conjecture, preprint (joint with Soheil Azarpendar and Tamás Kálmán)
Research interests
Low-dimensional and differential topology
Heegaard Floer homology
Applications of machine learning to mathematics
Recent publications
The unknotting number, hard unknot diagrams, and reinforcement learning
Applebaum, T Blackwell, S Davies, A Edlich, T Juhász, A Lackenby, M Tomašev, N Zheng, D (13 Sep 2024) The signature and cusp geometry of hyperbolic knots
Davies, A Juhasz, A Lackenby, M Tomasev, N Geometry and Topology volume 28 issue 2024 2313-2343 (24 Aug 2024) On Fox's trapezoidal conjecture
Azarpendar, S Juhász, A Kálmán, T (12 Jun 2024) New invariants for virtual knots via spanning surfaces
Juhasz, A Ogasa, E Kauffman, L Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications volume 33 issue 04 (07 Jun 2024) Stabilization distance bounds from link Floer homology
Juhász, A Zemke, I volume 17 issue 2 (Jun 2024) Prizes, awards, and scholarships
2023 Whitehead Prize
2016-2021 ERC Starting Grant OXTOP
2011-2018 Royal Society Research Fellow
2008 Géza Grünwald Commemorative Prize
2005 Pro Scientia Gold Medal
2003 Kató Rényi Memorial Prize, First Category