Prof. Balint Koczor
Associate Professor in Quantum Information Theory
Group leader: Quantum Information, Computation and Cryptography Group
Associate Editor at npj Quantum Information
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Full list of publications on Google Scholar
I have broad research interests in quantum theory and in the theory of (near-term) quantum computers, and an objective of my research is to make quantum computers practical. This includes developing new and improved ways to deal with errors (error mitigation techniques) in quantum computers while my research also aims to exploit classical supercomputers to squeeze out as much performance from quantum computers as possible. I work with experimentalists and with quantum companies to develop optimised platforms to best tailor quantum applications to hardware.
See more info at AppliedQC.org
myths, realities, and futures
email: koczor[AT]maths.ox.ac.uk