Benjamin Bedert
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
● Graham's rearrangement conjecture beyond the rectification barrier. B. Bedert, N. Kravitz, online preprint available at
● An improved lower bound for a problem of Littlewood on the zeros of cosine polynomials. B. Bedert, online preprint available at
● On the zeros of reciprocal Littlewood polynomials. B. Bedert, online preprint available at
● On unique sums in Abelian groups. B. Bedert, Combinatorica (2023).
● On a problem of Erdős and Sárközy about sequences with no term dividing the sum of two larger terms. B.Bedert, online preprint available at
● On a distinguished family of random variables and Painlevé equations. T. Assiotis, B. Bedert, M. A. Gunes and A. Soor, Probab. Math. Phys. 2 (2021), no. 3, 613-642
● Moments of generalized Cauchy random matrices and continuous-Hahn polynomials. T. Assiotis, B. Bedert, M. A. Gunes and A. Soor, Nonlinearity 34 (2021), no. 7, 4923-4943.
● Twisting moduli for GL(2). B. Bedert, G. Cooper, T. Oliver, P. Zhang, J. Number Theory 217 (2020), 142-162.
Tutor for Part A Number Theory (2024) - Magdalen College, Oxford
Tutor for Fourier series and PDEs (2023) - Magdalen College, Oxford
Tutor for Part A Linear Algebra and Rings and Modules (2023) - Magdalen College, Oxford
Tutor for ASO Graph Theory (Trinity Term 2022) - Magdalen College, Oxford
Teaching Assistant for C3.10 Additive Combinatorics (Hilary Term 2022) - University of Oxford
Teaching Assistant for C3.8 Analytic Number Theory (Michaelmas Term 2021 and Hilary 2023) - University of Oxford