Prof. Chris Breward
MA, MSc, DPhil
InFoMM CDT Co-Director
Academic Faculty
Co-Director, EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Industrially Focused Mathematical Modelling
Research groups
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Highlighted publications
On the predictions and limitations of the Becker-Döring model for reaction kinetics in micellar surfactant solutions.
Griffiths, I Bain, C Breward, C Colegate, D Howell, P Waters, S J Colloid Interface Sci volume 360 issue 2 662-671 (15 Aug 2011) The effect of polar lipids on tear film dynamics.
Aydemir, E Breward, C Witelski, T Bull Math Biol volume 73 issue 6 1171-1201 (Jun 2011) An asymptotic theory for the reequilibration of a micellar surfactant solution
Breward, C Griffiths, I Bain, C Chapman, S Howell, P Waters, S SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics volume 72 201-215 (2011) A theoretical analysis of the surface tension profiles of strongly interacting polymer-surfactant systems.
Bell, C Breward, C Howell, P Penfold, J Thomas, R J Colloid Interface Sci volume 350 issue 2 486-493 (15 Oct 2010) Long-wavelength stability of an unsupported multilayer liquid film falling under gravity
Dyson, R Brander, J Breward, C Howell, P Journal of Engineering Mathematics volume 64 issue 3 237-250 (09 Mar 2009) Teaching
I teach at Christ Church
Recent publications
The role of temperature and drying cycles on impurity deposition in drying porous media
Luckins, E Breward, C Griffiths, I Please, C European Physical Society Letters volume 146 issue 3 (15 May 2024) Mathematical modelling of impurity deposition during evaporation of dirty liquid in a porous material
Luckins, E Breward, C Griffiths, I Please, C Journal of Fluid Mechanics volume 986 (10 May 2024) The effect of pore-scale contaminant distribution on the reactive decontamination of porous media
Luckins, E Breward, C Griffiths, I Please, C European Journal of Applied Mathematics volume 35 issue 2 318-358 (08 Aug 2023) Modelling the reduction of quartz in a quartz–carbon pellet
Metherall, B Breward, C Please, C Oliver, J Sloman, B Journal of Engineering Mathematics volume 141 issue 1 4-4 (30 Jun 2023) A homogenised model for the motion of evaporating fronts in porous media
Luckins, E Breward, C Griffiths, I Please, C European Journal of Applied Mathematics volume 34 issue 4 806-837 (23 Jan 2023) Research interests
Fluid mechanics; Surfactants; Mathematical modelling for industry and the biosciences. I am working on modelling tear films at the moment, and polymer-surfactant mixtures