Dr Chris L. Farmer
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
C. L. Farmer. "An ensemble variational filter for sequential inverse problems". Proceedings of 'Inverse Problems -- from Theory to Applications (IPTA 2014)', pp 164-168, Institute of Physics, 2014. http://ipta2014.iopconfs.org/IPTAProceedings
W. Lee and C. L. Farmer. 2014. "Data Assimilation by Conditioning of Driving Noise on Future Observations". IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 62 (15), pp 3887-3896.
J. M. Fowkes, N. I. M. Gould and C. L. Farmer. 2012. "A Branch and Bound Algorithm for the Global Optimization of Hessian Lipschitz Continuous Functions", Journal of Global Optimization, pp. 1-25. ISSN 0925-5001. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10898-012-9937-9
Busby, D, Farmer C.L. and Iske, A. Hierarchical nonlinear approximation for experimental design and statistical data fitting. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 29 (1), January 2007, pp 49-69.
Farmer, C.L. Bayesian Field Theory Applied to Scattered Data Interpolation and Inverse Problems. Algorithms for Approximation. Ed. A. Iske and J. Levesley, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2007, pp. 147-166.
Farmer, C.L. and Howison, S.D. (2005). The motion of a viscous filament in a porous medium or Hele-Shaw cell: a physical realisation of the Cauchy-Riemann Equations. Applied Mathematics Letters, 19 (4), April 2006, 356-361.
Upscaling: A Review. Numerical Methods in Fluids, 40(1-2), 63-78, September 2002.
My current main research interests are wave propagation in heterogeneous media and kinetic models for fluid mechanics.
Previous interests included: inverse problems, the adaptive management of natural resources, flow through porous media, grid generation and numerical simulation of elliptic pde with tensor coefficients. Until March 2016 I was funded by the Oxford Martin School as co-director of the programme on Modelling and Predicting Climate and as a PI on the Oxford Martin Programme on Resource Stewardship. For further information see http://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/.
Royal Society Industry Fellow 2002-2006.