Prof. John E Allen
MA, Ph D, DEng, DSc.
Professor Emeritus of Engineering Science. Visiting Professor in Physics, Imperial College, London.
Research groups
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Recent publications
Propagation of periodic wave trains along the magnetic field in a collision-free plasma
Abbas, G Kevrekidis, P Allen, J Koukouloyannis, V Frantzeskakis, D Karachalios, N Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical volume 53 issue 42 (02 Oct 2020) Solitary and periodic waves in collisionless plasmas: the Adlam-Allen model revisited
Allen, J Frantzeskakis, D Karachalios, N Kevrekidis, P Koukouloyannis, V Physical Review E volume 102 (20 Jul 2020) A study of the propagation of a solitary wave along the magnetic field in a cold collision-free plasma
Abbas, G Allen, J Coppins, M Simons, L James, L Physics of Plasmas volume 27 issue 4 (02 Apr 2020) Simulated dynamics of a plasma-sheath-liquid interface
Holgate, J Coppins, M Allen, J New Journal of Physics volume 21 issue 6 (04 Jun 2019) The Bennett pinch for non-relativistic electrons
Allen, J Simons, L Journal of Plasma Physics volume 84 issue 6 905840609- (26 Nov 2018) Research interests
- Dusty Plasmas
- Plasma boundaries and the Bohm criterion
- Plasmas created by ultra-violet light
- Magnetic confinement revisited
- The propagation of strong collision-free magnetohydrodynamic waves
References (to illustrate the above topics)
- Allen, J.E., On supersonic flow around an obstacle, 2013, J. Plasma Phys., 79, 315.
- Allen, J.E., The plasma boundary in a magnetic field, 2008, Contrib. Plasma Phys., 48, 400.
- Franklin, R.N. et al, Plasmas generated by ultra-violet light rather than electron impact, 2013, Phys. Plasmas, 20, 123508.
- Allen, J.E., The Bennett pinch revisited, 2010, 37th E.P.S. Conference on Plasma Physics, E.C.A., 34 A, P4.181.