Dr Leandro Sanchez Betancourt
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Bergault P., & Sánchez-Betancourt, L. (2025+). A Mean Field Game between Informed Traders and a Broker. Forthcoming in SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics.
Cartea, Á., & Sánchez-Betancourt, L. (2024+). Brokers and Informed Traders: Dealing with Toxic Flow and Extracting Trading Signals. Forthcoming in SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics.
Jaimungal, S., Pesenti, S. M., & Sánchez-Betancourt, L. (2024). Minimal Kullback-Leibler Divergence for Constrained Levy-Ito Processes. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 60 (2), 982-1005.
Hughston, L. P., & Sánchez-Betancourt, L. (2024). Valuation of a Financial Claim Contingent on the Outcome of a Quantum Measurement. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 57 (28), 285302
Cartea, Á., & Sánchez-Betancourt, L. (2023). Optimal Execution with Stochastic Delay. Finance and Stochastics 27(1), 1-47.
Bellani, C., Brigo, D., Pakkanen, M. S., & Sánchez-Betancourt, L. (2023). Price Impact without Averaging. Applied Mathematical Finance, 30 (4), 175-206.
Höglund, M., Ferrucci, E., Hernández, C., Muguruza Gonzalez, A., Salvi, C., Sánchez-Betancourt, L., & Zhang, Y. (2023). A Neural RDE approach for continuous-time non-Markovian stochastic control problems. Workshop on New Frontiers in Learning, Control, and Dynamical Systems at the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2023.
Cartea, Á., Jaimungal, S., & Sánchez-Betancourt, L. (2023). Reinforcement Learning for Algorithmic Trading. In Machine Learning and Data Sciences for Financial Markets: A guide to contemporary practices. Edited by C.-A. Lehalle and A. Capponi. Cambridge University Press.
Cartea, Á., Perez Arribas, I., & Sánchez-Betancourt, L. (2022). Double-Execution Strategies using Path Signatures. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 13 (4), 1379–1417.
Cartea, Á., Jaimungal, S., & Sánchez-Betancourt, L. (2021). Latency and Liquidity Risk. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 24 (06n07), 1-37.
Forde, M., Sánchez-Betancourt, L., & Smith, B. (2021). Optimal Trade Execution for Gaussian Signals with Power-law Resilience. Quantitative Finance, 22 (3), 585-596.
Bouzianis, G., Hughston, L. P., Jaimungal, S., & Sánchez-Betancourt, L. (2021). Lévy-Ito Models in Finance. Probability Surveys 18, 132-178.
Cartea, Á., & Sánchez-Betancourt, L. (2021). The Shadow Price of Latency: Improving Intraday Fill Ratios in Foreign Exchange Markets. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 12 (1), 254-294.
Bruti Liberati Prize for best PhD thesis in Quantitative Finance, awarded by the Bachelier Finance Society and the Politecnico di Milano, in cooperation with Springer.
Best overall performance student award, awarded by Department of Mathematics, King’s College London.
Gabino Barreda medal, awarded by Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
High-Frequency and Algorithmic Trading
Stochastic Games between Takers and Makers of Liquidity
Mathematical Finance
Market Microstructure
Market Simulation