Leo Gitin
MASt (Cambridge), M.Sc., B.Sc. (Bonn)
Postgraduate Student
Research groups
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Major / recent publications
Undecidability of expansions of Laurent series fields by cyclic discrete subgroups | Proceedings of the 14th PLS, 2024 | arXiv
Further details
"A Graduate Student Supervision" (video)
- College Tutor
- B1.1 Logic at Balliol College (MT24)
- B1.2 Set Theory at Merton College (TT24)
- B1.1 Logic at Merton College (HT23, TT23, TT24)
- C1.1 Model Theory at Exeter College (TT23)
- C1.1 Model Theory at Merton College (MT23)
- Tutor at the Mathematical Institute, Oxford
- B1.2 Set Theory (HT24)
- C1.1 Model Theory (MT23, MT24)
- B1.1 Logic (TT23)
- Teaching Assistant and Marker at the Mathematical Institute, Oxford
- B1.2 Set Theory (HT24)
- C1.1 Model Theory (MT22, MT23, MT24)
- B1.1 Logic (HT23)
- Tutor at the University of Bonn
- Introduction to Mathematics (Summer term 2022)
- Model Theory (Winter term 2021/22)
- Mathematical Logic (Winter term 2019/20)
- Linear Algebra I (Winter term 2017/18)
Research interests
Model Theory, Algebraic Number Theory
Prizes, awards, and scholarships
Clarendon Fund Scholarship (jt. with Saven European Scholarship), University of Oxford
Marvin Bower Scholarship, Balliol College
Jennings Prize, Wolfson College, Cambridge
German Academic Scholarship Foundation