Dr Lukas Brantner
Royal Society University Research Fellow
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Formal Integration of Derived Foliations (with Magidson and Nuiten), arXiv:2502.05257
Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt Theorems in Higher Algebra (with Antolín-Camarena and Heuts), arXiv:2501.03116
Deformations and Lifts of Calabi-Yau Varieties in Characteristic p (with Taelman), arXiv:2407.09256
PD Operads and Explicit Partition Lie Algebras (with Campos and Nuiten), arXiv:2104.03870 (Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear)
Purely Inseparable Galois theory I: The Fundamental Theorem (with Waldron), arXiv:2010.15707
The Lubin-Tate Theory of Configuration Spaces: I (with Hahn and Knudsen), arXiv:1908.11321 (J. Topol.)
Deformation Theory and Partition Lie Algebras (with Mathew), arXiv:1904.07352 (Acta Math., to appear)
The Action of Young Subgroups on the Partition Complex (with Arone), arXiv:1801.01491 (Publ. Math. IHÉS)
The Lubin-Tate Theory of Spectral Lie Algebras, https://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/brantner/thesis.pdf
The vn-periodic Goodwillie tower on Wedges and Cofibres (with Heuts), arXiv:1612.02694 (Homology Homotopy Appl.)
On the Complexity of Sails (with an appendix by Manners), arXiv:1102.1365 (Pac. J. Math)