Prof. Marc Lackenby
Academic Faculty
Professor of Mathematics
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Highlighted publications
A polynomial upper bound on Reidemeister moves
Lackenby, M Annals of Mathematics volume 182 issue 2 491-564 (Sep 2015) The maximal number of exceptional Dehn surgeries
Lackenby, M Meyerhoff, R Inventiones Mathematicae volume 191 issue 2 341-382 (01 Feb 2013) The crossing number of composite knots
Lackenby, M (30 May 2008) The volume of hyperbolic alternating link complements
Lackenby, M Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society volume 88 issue 1 204-224 (13 Jan 2004) Word hyperbolic Dehn surgery
Lackenby, M (28 Aug 1998) Research interests
Topology, geometry and group theory
Further details
Editor of "International Mathematical Research Notices"
Editor of "Groups, Geometry and Dynamics"
Editor of "Journal of Topology" (2007-2021)
Editor of "Journal of the LMS" (2008-2013)
Recent publications
The signature and cusp geometry of hyperbolic knots
Davies, A Juhasz, A Lackenby, M Tomasev, N Geometry and Topology volume 28 issue 2024 2313-2343 (24 Aug 2024) The triangulation complexity of fibred 3–manifolds
Lackenby, M Purcell, J Geometry & Topology volume 28 issue 4 1727-1828 (18 Jul 2024) The triangulation complexity of elliptic and sol 3-manifolds
Lackenby, M Purcell, J Mathematische Annalen volume 390 issue 2 1623-1667 (12 Jan 2024) Wolfgang Haken, 1928–2022
Callahan, P Kapovich, I Lackenby, M Shalen, P Wilson, R Notices of the American Mathematical Society volume 70 issue 9 1452-1467 (01 Oct 2023) How does over-squashing affect the power of GNNs?
Di Giovanni, F Rusch, T Bronstein, M Deac, A Lackenby, M Mishra, S Veličković, P (06 Jun 2023) Prizes, awards, and scholarships
LMS Whitehead Prize 2003
EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship 2004-09
Philip Leverhulme Prize 2006
Invited speaker, ICM 2010