Maud Lemercier
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Research groups
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Recent publications
Non-adversarial training of neural SDEs with signature kernel scores
Issa, Z Horvath, B Lemercier, M Salvi, C (23 May 2023) Optimal stopping via distribution regression: a higher rank signature approach
Horvath, B Lemercier, M Liu, C Lyons, T Salvi, C (04 Apr 2023) Neural stochastic PDEs: resolution-invariant learning of continuous spatiotemporal dynamics
Salvi, C Lemercier, M Gerasimovics, A Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS 2022) volume 3 1333-1344 (01 Apr 2023) Higher order kernel mean embeddings to capture filtrations of stochastic processes
Salvi, C Lemercier, M Liu, C Horvath, B Damoulas, T Lyons, T Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021) volume 20 16635-16647 (01 May 2022) SK-Tree: a systematic malware detection algorithm on streaming trees via the signature kernel
Cochrane, T Foster, P Chhabra, V Lemercier, M Lyons, T Salvi, C Ieee PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2021 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CYBER SECURITY AND RESILIENCE (IEEE CSR) 35-40 SigGPDE: Scaling Sparse Gaussian Processes on Sequential Data
Lemercier, M Salvi, C Cass, T Bonilla, E Damonlas, T Lyons, T INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING, VOL 139 volume 139 (01 Jan 2021) Distribution Regression for Sequential Data
Lemercier, M Salvi, C Damonlas, T Bonilla, E Lyons, T 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND STATISTICS (AISTATS) volume 130 3754-3762 (01 Jan 2021) Neural Stochastic PDEs: Resolution-Invariant Learning of Continuous Spatiotemporal Dynamics
Lemercier, M Salvi, C Gerasimovics, A